Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

January 2017

Source: The Washington Post
Jan 24, 2017
Senate Democrats Unveil a Trump-size Infrastructure Plan
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Source: USA Today
Jan 24, 2017
CBO: Deficit to Decline in 2017 but Rise in Long Term to Historic Level
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Source: The Washington Post
Jan 24, 2017
Trump Takes Over Stable but Sluggish Economy, but Deficit Growth is on the Horizon, CBO Says
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Source: New York Times
Jan 23, 2017
Senators Propose Giving States Option to Keep Affordable Care Act
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Source: Associated Press
Jan 23, 2017
Trump Can do Plenty on His Own to Unravel Obama Health Law
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Source: Reuters
Jan 22, 2017
Trump May Not Enforce Individual Health Insurance Mandate: Aide
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Source: New York Times
Jan 22, 2017
Trump’s Health Plan Would Convert Medicaid to Block Grants, Aide Says
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Source: New York Times
Jan 20, 2017
Trump Issues Executive Order Scaling Back Parts of Obamacare
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Source: The Hill
Jan 19, 2017
Ryan Offers Picture of Public-private Spending in Trump’s Infrastructure Plan
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Source: Bloomberg
Jan 19, 2017
Republican Governors Balk as Congress Races to End Obamacare
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Source: Bloomberg
Jan 19, 2017
Trump’s Bigger Army Could Cost $12 Billion
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Source: CNN
Jan 18, 2017
Mike Pence: Trump 'Getting Very Close' to Obamacare Replacement
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Source: The Hill
Jan 18, 2017
Trump: House GOP Tax Provision Will be Discussed
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Source: The Hill
Jan 17, 2017
McCain Proposes $640B Defense Budget for 2018
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Source: The New York Times
Jan 17, 2017
Health Law Repeal Could Cost 18 Million Their Insurance, Study Finds
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Jan 17, 2017
Trump's Criticism of GOP Tax Plan Threatens to Upend Reform Bid
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Source: CBS News
Jan 17, 2017
Federal Watchdog: U.S. Government Spending "Unsustainable"
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Source: The Hill
Jan 17, 2017
CBO: 18 Million Could Lose Coverage After Obamacare Repeal
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Source: The Hill
Jan 16, 2017
Trump Criticizes Controversial Piece of House GOP Tax Plan
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Source: The Hill
Jan 16, 2017
Trump's Navy Build-up Comes With Steep Price Tag
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Source: The Washington Post
Jan 15, 2017
Trump Vows ‘Insurance for Everybody’ in Obamacare Replacement Plan
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Jan 13, 2017
GOP Governors Fight Their Own Party on Obamacare
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Source: The Washington Post
Jan 12, 2017
Anxious Lawmakers to GOP Leaders: What’s the Plan to Replace Obamacare?
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Source: The New York Times
Jan 12, 2017
House Expected to Follow Senate’s Lead on Rush to Repeal Health Law
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Source: Morning Consult
Jan 12, 2017
GOP Planning Quick Action on Tax Reform, Top Democratic Taxwriter Says
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