Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

February 2017

Source: Reuters
Feb 27, 2017
White House Budget Chief Expects Delay in Hitting Debt Limit
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Source: The New York Times
Feb 27, 2017
Trump and Paul Ryan Head for a Clash Over the Budget, and Ideology
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Source: Reuters
Feb 26, 2017
No Cuts to U.S. Entitlement Programs in Trump Budget: Mnuchin
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Source: Bloomberg
Feb 26, 2017
Trump to Propose 10% Defense Increase in Budget Plan, Aides Say
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Source: The Washington Post
Feb 26, 2017
A Divided White House Still Offers Little Guidance on Replacing Obamacare
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Feb 25, 2017
GOP Governors Split on Obamacare Replacement
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Feb 24, 2017
Exclusive: Leaked GOP Obamacare Replacement Shrinks Subsidies, Medicaid Expansion
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Source: Bloomberg
Feb 23, 2017
Claims for Jobless Benefits in U.S. Point to Firm Job Market
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Source: New York Times
Feb 23, 2017
Repeal of Health Law Faces Obstacles in House, Not Just in Senate
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Source: CNN
Feb 23, 2017
Hill GOP Asks Governors to Help Save Obamacare Repeal
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Source: CNBC
Feb 23, 2017
Treasury Secretary Mnuchin: We're Committed to 'Very Significant' Tax Reform by August Recess
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Source: CNBC
Feb 22, 2017
Congressional Republicans Don't Expect Trump to Offer His Own Health or Tax Plans
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Source: Roll Call
Feb 22, 2017
Trump’s Plan Needs Mechanism to Steer Money to Infrastructure
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Source: ABC News
Feb 22, 2017
White House Readies First Trump Budget that Could Take Aim at Popular Programs
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Source: Bloomberg BNA
Feb 22, 2017
Topline Budget Information Expected on Hill March 13 Week: Aides
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Source: The Hill
Feb 22, 2017
Obamacare Fix Hinges on Medicaid Clash in Senate
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Source: The New York Times
Feb 18, 2017
Once Again, the Estate Tax May Die
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Source: Bloomberg
Feb 17, 2017
Conservatives Object to Obamacare Replacement's Tax Credits
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Source: Real Clear Politics
Feb 17, 2017
White House Turmoil, Party Divisions Slow GOP Agenda
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Source: Bloomberg
Feb 17, 2017
Ryan Makes Emphatic Plea for Tax Plan Seen "on Life Support"
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Source: The New York Times
Feb 16, 2017
House G.O.P. Leaders Outline Plan to Replace Obama Health Care Act
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Source: The Christian Science Monitor
Feb 16, 2017
Retails Sales Tick Up in January, as Consumer Confidence Grows
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Feb 16, 2017
House Republicans Still Apart on Obamacare Repeal-replace
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Source: Roll Call
Feb 16, 2017
Emerging GOP Plan Would Replace Parts of Obamacare as It’s Repealed
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Source: Marketwatch
Feb 15, 2017
Inflation Surges in January by Most in Four Years, CPI Shows
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