Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

March 2017

Source: Roll Call
Mar 9, 2017
Work on Fiscal 2018 Budget on Hold
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Source: CBS News
Mar 8, 2017
Hiring Surges as Economy Adds 298,000 Private-sector Jobs in February
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Source: National Journal
Mar 8, 2017
GOP Aims to Replace Obamacare Before Opposition Grows
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Source: Bloomberg Government
Mar 7, 2017
Trump’s Budget Plan Hits Wall of Opposition
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Source: The Hill
Mar 7, 2017
CBO: Treasury Can Avoid Breaching Debt Ceiling Until Fall
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Mar 7, 2017
Senate GOP Poised to Jam Through Obamacare Repeal
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Source: The Washington Post
Mar 7, 2017
House GOP Proposal to Replace Obamacare Sparks Broad Backlash
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Source: Modern Healthcare
Mar 6, 2017
The Battle Begins as House Republicans Release ACA Repeal Bill
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Source: The Hill
Mar 6, 2017
House GOP Bill Repeals Obamacare Taxes — with One Exception
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Mar 6, 2017
GOP Unveils Obamacare Replacement Amid sharp Party Divide
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Source: The Washington Post
Mar 6, 2017
House Republicans Release Long-awaited Plan to Replace Obamacare
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Source: Reuters
Mar 6, 2017
U.S. Republicans Expected to Unveil Healthcare Bill This Week
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Source: New York Times
Mar 5, 2017
Repeal of Health Law Faces a New Hurdle: Older Americans
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Source: BNA
Mar 5, 2017
Democrats Making Pitch to Have a Say in Tax Debate
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Mar 3, 2017
New Details in GOP Obamacare Replacement Leaked
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Source: CNBC
Mar 2, 2017
There's a Battle Going on Inside the GOP over the Border-adjustment Tax, and it's Not Going Away
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Source: CNBC
Mar 2, 2017
US Weekly Jobless Claims Total 223,000 Vs 243,000 Estimate
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Source: Morning Consult
Mar 1, 2017
House Panel to Mark Up Obamacare Repeal Bill Next Week, Trump Ally Says
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Mar 1, 2017
Republicans Near Make-or-break Moment on Obamacare Repeal
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Source: Reuters
Mar 1, 2017
U.S. Commerce Secretary Says Trump Did Not Endorse Border Tax Plan
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Source: New York Times
Mar 1, 2017
GOP: Trump Budget Plan Cuts Both too Deeply and Not Enough
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February 2017

Source: New York Times
Feb 28, 2017
Trump Pinning Hopes on Economic Growth to Avoid Budget Cuts
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Source: The Hill
Feb 28, 2017
Trump Backs Healthcare Tax Credit Amid Conservative Opposition
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Source: CNN
Feb 28, 2017
Here's What We Know About Trump's Budget Math
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Feb 27, 2017
Divided Republicans Look to Trump to Lead on Tax Reform
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