Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

February 2017

Source: Bloomberg
Feb 15, 2017
Nervous About Obamacare, GOP Divisions Emerge Over Repeal Effort
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Source: Morning Consult
Feb 14, 2017
GOP Considers Medicaid Reforms for Reconciliation Bill
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Source: The Washington Post
Feb 14, 2017
Yellen Says March Rate Hike is on the Table, Effects from Trump Policies Remain Unclear
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Source: The Hill
Feb 14, 2017
Ryan Tries to Save Tax Plan
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Source: The Hill
Feb 13, 2017
Freedom Caucus Vows to Oppose Weakening Obamacare Repeal
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Source: New York Times
Feb 12, 2017
Republicans, Aiming to Kill Health Law, Also Work to Shore It Up
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Source: NPR
Feb 11, 2017
Trump, GOP at Odds Over 'Border Adjustment' Tax
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Source: The Hill
Feb 10, 2017
Republican Senators Wrestle With Changes to Medicaid
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Source: Associated Press
Feb 10, 2017
12.2 Million Sign Up for "Obamacare" Despite Its Problems
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Source: The Hill
Feb 9, 2017
Trump Administration Eyes Help for Obamacare Insurers
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Source: Bloomberg
Feb 9, 2017
Trump Promises ‘Phenomenal’ Tax Plan as Ryan’s Ideas Draw Fire
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Source: The Boston Globe
Feb 8, 2017
Trump on Collision Course with GOP Deficit Hawks
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Source: Bloomberg
Feb 8, 2017
Trump’s Plan to Tap Offshore Profit for Infrastructure Gains an Ally
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Source: Roll Call
Feb 7, 2017
White House Pumps Brakes on Obamacare Replacement
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Feb 7, 2017
Obamacare Repeal-replace Effort Begins to Jell
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Source: The Hill
Feb 6, 2017
Republicans: Obamacare Repeal Starts this Spring
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Source: Morning Consult
Feb 6, 2017
Senior GOP Taxwriter Hoping for Tax Reform Enactment Within One Year
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Source: The New York Times
Feb 6, 2017
From ‘Repeal’ to ‘Repair’: Campaign Talk on Health Law Meets Reality
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Feb 6, 2017
Trump Administration Weighs Obamacare Changes Sought by Insurers
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Source: The Washington Post
Feb 5, 2017
A Tax that Could Pay for Trump’s Wish List is Already Dividing the GOP
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Source: The New York Times
Feb 3, 2017
Drop in Late Obamacare Enrollment Appears to Be a Trump Effect
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Source: The Wall Street Journal
Feb 3, 2017
U.S. Added a Robust 227,000 Jobs in January
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Feb 2, 2017
Who Said Tax Reform Was Easy?
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Source: The Washington Post
Feb 2, 2017
Two Top Republicans Open to Repairing Obamacare Ahead of Repeal
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Source: The Hill
Feb 2, 2017
House Considers Elements of Obamacare Replacement
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