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Our charts frame the fiscal outlook of the U.S. government within a broad economic, political, and demographic context.
Our polling tracks the public’s views about our fiscal and economic condition and the progress elected leaders are making in addressing it.
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National Debt Puts Upward Pressure on Inflation and Interest Rates
America’s unsustainable fiscal outlook can have “significant consequences for price stability, interest rates, and overall economic performance,” according to a new report.
Here’s What a Budget Gimmick Is and How to Spot One
Lawmakers should avoid the use of budget gimmicks, which can hide the true fiscal impact of legislation.
What Is the Farm Bill, and Why Does It Matter for the Federal Budget?
The Farm Bill provides an opportunity for policymakers to comprehensively address agricultural, food, conservation, and other issues.
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National Debt Puts Upward Pressure on Inflation and Interest Rates
America’s unsustainable fiscal outlook can have “significant consequences for price stability, interest rates, and overall economic performance,” according to a new report.
Here’s What a Budget Gimmick Is and How to Spot One
Lawmakers should avoid the use of budget gimmicks, which can hide the true fiscal impact of legislation.
Chart Pack: Healthcare
These charts illustrate the growth in U.S. healthcare spending and how it affects the federal budget.
What Is the Farm Bill, and Why Does It Matter for the Federal Budget?
The Farm Bill provides an opportunity for policymakers to comprehensively address agricultural, food, conservation, and other issues.
Social Security Reform: Options to Raise Revenues
Here are the pros and cons for three approaches to increasing funds dedicated to Social Security.
Why Is the Federal Deficit High If Unemployment Is Low?
The U.S. is experiencing an unusual and concerning phenomenon — the annual deficit is high even though the unemployment rate is low.
Infographic: U.S. Healthcare Spending
Improving our healthcare system to deliver better quality care at lower cost is critically important to our nation’s long-term economic and fiscal well-being.