Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

February 2017

Source: New York Times
Feb 1, 2017
Republican Unity on Health Care Is Elusive, Despite Trump’s Support
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Source: The Hill
Feb 1, 2017
Border Tax Sets off Frenzy of Lobbying
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Source: The New York Times
Feb 1, 2017
With Steady Gains in Economic Outlook, Fed Leaves Interest Rate Unchanged
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Source: The Hill
Feb 1, 2017
GOP Talk Shifts from Replacing Obamacare to Repairing It
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Source: The Washington Post
Feb 1, 2017
Health Insurers Warn of Wider Defections from ACA Marketplaces for 2018
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Source: BNA
Feb 1, 2017
Magic Asterisk? CBO Ups Cost of ‘Current Policy’ Tax Revamp
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January 2017

Source: Roll Call
Jan 31, 2017
Deadline for Presidential Budget Request Often Missed
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Source: The Washington Post
Jan 31, 2017
What Could be the Final Obamacare Enrollment Period Ends Tonight
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Source: Bloomberg
Jan 31, 2017
Slow Pace of Obamacare Repeal Leaves House Conservatives Fuming
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Source: BNA
Jan 30, 2017
Import Taxes are Still Under Attack
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Source: New York Times
Jan 29, 2017
Howls Over Import Tax Complicate Plans to Overhaul Code
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Source: Roll Call
Jan 27, 2017
GOP Leaves Retreat Pushing Small Steps to Repeal and Replace Obamacare
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Source: The Washington Post
Jan 27, 2017
U.S. Economy Expanded 1.9 Percent in Fourth Quarter, 2016 GDP Rises 1.6 Percent
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Source: NBC News
Jan 26, 2017
President Trump Says Military More Important than Balanced Budget
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Source: Roll Call
Jan 26, 2017
Medicaid Panel Eyes Challenge of Possible Shift to Block Grants
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Source: The Hill
Jan 26, 2017
Senators' Obamacare Replacement Bills Highlight GOP Divide
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Source: Morning Consult
Jan 26, 2017
After Retreat, GOP Decided Little on Health Plan
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Source: The Hill
Jan 26, 2017
Ryan Tiptoes Around Deficit Concerns for 2017 Legislation
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Source: Morning Consult
Jan 25, 2017
Top GOP Tax Member Says ‘Revenue Neutrality’ Still a Priority
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Source: The Washington Post
Jan 25, 2017
Republicans Set Aggressive Agenda on Health Care, Regulations and Tax Reform
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Jan 25, 2017
Ryan: GOP Will Replace Obamacare, Cut Taxes and Fund Wall by August
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Source: Bloomberg
Jan 25, 2017
Looming Debt Limit Divides Trump’s Treasury and Budget Chiefs
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Source: CNN
Jan 25, 2017
GOP in Health Care Holding Pattern Heading into Philly Getaway
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Jan 25, 2017
Trump’s Team Floats Tax Cuts that Aren’t Paid for
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Source: The Washington Post
Jan 24, 2017
Key House committee will hold hearings on first Obamacare replacement bills next week
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