Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

May 2017

Source: CNBC
May 10, 2017
Paul Ryan Pitches Tax Reform to the Public — and His Own Party
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Source: CNBC
May 9, 2017
Job Openings Stay Steady in March, Labor Department Says
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Source: The Hill
May 9, 2017
Early Splits Appear as Senate Republicans Confront Medicaid Choice
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Source: Bloomberg
May 9, 2017
Obamacare Taxes aren't Necessarily Going Away: GOP Senators
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Source: Roll Call
May 8, 2017
Healthcare Will Determine Progress of Rest of Agenda
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Source: Bloomberg
May 8, 2017
Trump's Biggest Hurdle on Tax Cuts? Congress's Daunting Calendar
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Source: The Hill
May 6, 2017
Obamacare Vote Throws Curve into Tax Reform
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Source: CNBC
May 5, 2017
Trump Signs Spending Bill to Avert Government Shutdown
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Source: New York Times
May 4, 2017
House Passes Measure to Repeal and Replace the Affordable Care Act
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Source: Reuters
May 4, 2017
With Obamacare Vote, House Republicans Free to Turn to Tax Reform
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Source: Bloomberg
May 4, 2017
Senate GOP to Snub House Obamacare Repeal Bill and Write Its Own
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Source: Reuters
May 4, 2017
U.S. Senate Passes Bill to Fund Government Through September
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Source: Reuters
May 4, 2017
US Jobless Claims Fall, Continuing Claims Hit 17-year Low
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Source: The Hill
May 3, 2017
GOP Rushing to Vote on Healthcare Without Analysis of Changes
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Source: Roll Call
May 3, 2017
House Passes $1 Trillion Spending Bill
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Source: Roll Call
May 3, 2017
House Schedules Vote on Healthcare Bill
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Source: CNBC
May 3, 2017
US Private Sector Created 177K Jobs in April, vs 175K Jobs Expected: ADP
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Source: Associated Press
May 3, 2017
Health Bill Gains New Life as 2 GOP Moderates Meet Trump
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Source: New York Times
May 2, 2017
G.O.P. Eyes $8 Billion Addition to Win a Crucial Vote to the Latest Health Bill
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Source: Bloomberg
May 1, 2017
Trump Open to Raising Gas Tax and Negotiating Tax Overhaul Plan
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Source: New York Times
May 1, 2017
G.O.P. Likely to Go It Alone on Tax Overhaul Legislation
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Source: CNBC
May 1, 2017
Treasury's Mnuchin: Trump's Tax Cut Plan Eliminates All but Two Loopholes
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Source: Reuters
May 1, 2017
U.S. Congress Negotiators Set Spending Plan to Avert Shutdown, Bolster Defense
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April 2017

Source: The Hill
Apr 30, 2017
Pence: Tax Plan May Increase Deficit 'in the Short Term'
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Source: The Hill
Apr 28, 2017
Obamacare Repeal: GOP Seeks New Game Plan
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