Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

June 2017

Source: Bloomberg
Jun 24, 2017
GOP Push for 20-Year Tax Cut Grows as Ryan Seeks Permanent Fix
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Source: Reuters
Jun 23, 2017
As Debt Limit Looms, House Leaders Eye Bipartisan Deal
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Source: CNBC
Jun 23, 2017
Four GOP Senators will not Support Current Obamacare Replacement, Push for Changes
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Source: The Hill
Jun 23, 2017
Republicans Divided on Seeking Budget Deal with Democrats
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Source: New York Times
Jun 22, 2017
Senate Healthcare Bill Includes Deep Cuts to Medicaid
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Jun 21, 2017
House Budget Writers Reach Tentative Agreement
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Source: Roll Call
Jun 21, 2017
GOP Might Buck Senate Rules to Pass Healthcare Overhaul
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Source: Roll Call
Jun 20, 2017
Ryan, Pence Promise Tax Overhaul but Offer Few Details
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Source: Associated Press
Jun 20, 2017
The GOP's Budget Deadlock Could Derail Trump's Hopes for Tax Overhaul
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Source: New York Times
Jun 19, 2017
Senate Democrats Try to Gum Up Works Over Affordable Care Act Repeal
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Source: Roll Call
Jun 19, 2017
House Gets to Work on Defense Authorization Bill
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Source: Reuters
Jun 18, 2017
Republicans Debating Remedies for Corporate Tax Avoidance
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Source: CNN
Jun 17, 2017
Senate Democrats Weigh Blockade to Protest GOP Healthcare Plan
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Source: Bloomberg
Jun 15, 2017
Republicans Warm to Tactic for Making Deep Tax Cuts Last Longer
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Source: The Hill
Jun 15, 2017
Trump’s Transportation Budget Runs into Resistance from Both Parties
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Source: The Washington Post
Jun 15, 2017
GOP Senate Leaders Aim to Bring Healthcare Legislation to the Floor by End of June
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Source: Reuters
Jun 15, 2017
White House Does Not Yet Have Plan on Debt Limit: Budget Chief
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Source: Reuters
Jun 15, 2017
Senate May Keep Some Obamacare Taxes in U.S. Healthcare Overhaul
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Source: Time
Jun 14, 2017
Federal Reserve Raises Benchmark Interest Rate for Third Time in 6 Months
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Source: CNBC
Jun 12, 2017
US Budget Deficit Jumps in May as Spending Outpaces Revenue
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Source: The Hill
Jun 11, 2017
GOP Looks to Blunt Impact of Health Bill on Older People
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Source: Reuters
Jun 9, 2017
White House, Congress Republicans Nearing Key Tax Overhaul Decisions
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Source: The Washington Post
Jun 9, 2017
U.S. Readying ‘Plans and Backup Plans’ if Debt Ceiling Isn’t Raised Soon, Mnuchin Says
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Source: Reuters
Jun 9, 2017
House Freedom Caucus Chief Calls for U.S. Tax Reform Plan by End-July
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Source: Reuters
Jun 7, 2017
Debt Limit Showdown Looms Sooner as Wealthy Bet on Trump Tax Cut
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