Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

July 2017

Source: Reuters
Jul 12, 2017
U.S. House Freedom Caucus Wants Tax Reform Plan Before Budget Deal
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Source: Bloomberg
Jul 12, 2017
Senators Explore Bipartisan ‘Plan B’ to Troubled GOP Health Bill
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 11, 2017
Top Tax Writers Noncommittal on Overhaul Timeline
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Source: CNBC
Jul 11, 2017
McConnell Says Revised Version of Healthcare Bill Expected on Thursday
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 11, 2017
Recess Postponed in Senate
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Source: The Hill
Jul 11, 2017
McConnell: 'Ideally' Debt Ceiling Vote is Before August Recess
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Source: Defense News
Jul 10, 2017
Mulvaney Opens Door to Bigger DoD Budgets
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Source: CBS News
Jul 10, 2017
CBO to Score Sen. Ted Cruz's Healthcare Proposal
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 10, 2017
Senate Returns No Closer to Healthcare Deal
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Source: USA Today
Jul 9, 2017
Mnuchin Still Expects Middle-class Tax Cuts in 2017
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Source: Morning Consult
Jul 6, 2017
Plurality of Voters Want Congress to Prioritize Medicare Reform
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Source: The Hill
Jul 6, 2017
President’s Tax Reform Push Enters Next Phase
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 6, 2017
McConnell Signals Openness to Shoring Up Insurance Exchanges
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Source: New York Times
Jul 5, 2017
Fed Officials Are Divided Over When to Reduce Its Debt Holdings
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Source: New York Times
Jul 5, 2017
White House Backs Conservative Health Plan, but G.O.P. Leaders Are Leery
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Source: The Hill
Jul 3, 2017
GOP Leaders Have Few Sure Votes on Debt Ceiling
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June 2017

Source: Reuters
Jun 30, 2017
Moderate Republicans Warn of Trouble for Tax Reform
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Source: Roll Call
Jun 30, 2017
Recess Starts With No Timeline for Addressing Debt Limit
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Source: New York Times
Jun 29, 2017
Deadline Is Set for Congress to Raise Debt Ceiling
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Source: Roll Call
Jun 29, 2017
Senate Healthcare Discussions Continue as Agenda Stalls
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Source: Morning Consult
Jun 28, 2017
Senators Still Confident About Tax Reform After Healthcare Delay
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Source: New York Times
Jun 28, 2017
As Affordable Care Act Repeal Teeters, Prospects for Bipartisanship Build
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Source: CNN
Jun 27, 2017
House Budget Deal Held up on Mandatory Spending Snag
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Source: The Washington Post
Jun 27, 2017
Facing GOP Opposition, Senate Leaders Postpone Vote to Overhaul Obamacare
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Source: The Washington Post
Jun 25, 2017
Senate Republicans Face Key Week as More Lawmakers Waver in Support for Healthcare Bill
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