Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

May 2017

Source: USA Today
May 22, 2017
Trump Budget Cuts Safety Net Programs, Hitting States that Voted for Him
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Source: Associated Press
May 22, 2017
Senate Republicans Quietly Working on Health Overhaul
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Source: The Hill
May 21, 2017
Trump Administration Faces Decision on Obamacare Payments
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Source: Associated Press
May 21, 2017
Trump to Propose Big Cuts to Safety Net in New Budget, Slashing Medicaid and Opening Door to Other Limits
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Source: Bloomberg
May 18, 2017
Trump's Budget Aims for Balance Through Steep Cuts, Growth
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Source: Bloomberg
May 18, 2017
House May Need to Vote Again on GOP Obamacare Repeal Bill
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Source: The Hill
May 18, 2017
Dems: Trump Budget is Recipe for Shutdown
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Source: The Hill
May 18, 2017
Senate GOP Short on Ideas for Stabilizing Obamacare Markets
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Source: Reuters
May 17, 2017
White House Says Full Fiscal 2018 Budget to be Released on May 23
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Source: New York Times
May 17, 2017
Republican Hopes for Rewriting Tax Code in 2017 Are Fading
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Source: The Hill
May 17, 2017
Mulvaney Hints Budget Math Will Rely on Economic Growth
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Source: Reuters
May 17, 2017
U.S. Governors Work Senate as New Power Brokers in Obamacare Repeal
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Source: Bloomberg
May 17, 2017
Senate GOP Won't Back Trump's Deep Spending Cuts, McConnell Says
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Source: The Hill
May 16, 2017
House Panel to Examine Border Tax Next Week
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Source: Bloomberg
May 16, 2017
McConnell Won't Guarantee All Tax Cuts Stay in Healthcare Bill
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May 16, 2017
Bipartisan Healthcare Talks Pick Up Steam in Senate
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Source: Bloomberg
May 16, 2017
McConnell Wants Revenue-Neutral Tax Plan, at Odds with Trump
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Source: New York Times
May 15, 2017
Medicaid Expansion, Reversed by House, Is Back on Table in Senate
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Source: The Hill
May 15, 2017
Trump to Unveil $1T Infrastructure Plan in ‘Several Weeks’
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Source: Reuters
May 15, 2017
U.S. Companies Push Hard for Lower Tax Rate on Offshore Profits
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Source: CNN
May 15, 2017
GOP Healthcare Working Group Runs into Early Obstacles
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Source: CNN
May 15, 2017
GOP Healthcare Working Group Runs into Early Obstacles
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Source: Roll Call
May 14, 2017
Freedom Caucus May Push for More than Tax Overhaul in Next Budget
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May 14, 2017
Senators Hold Back-channel Talks on Bipartisan Obamacare Fix
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Source: The Washington Post
May 10, 2017
CBO to Issue Cost Estimate of House Healthcare Bill Within Two Weeks
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