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1. Join the Conversation

Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter to discuss the fiscal challenges or visit our YouTube channel to watch videos and share them with others.

2. Learn More About the Challenge

Get a full understanding of what the fiscal challenge is, how we got here and why it’s important for everyone to act now to build a sustainable fiscal future.

3. Share the Knowledge

Get your friends and family involved by sharing the information that you find most relevant and compelling. Encourage them to learn more about the issue so they can help drive change.

Tweet: Our economic future depends on a strong fiscal foundation. Learn more about our #NationalDebt and bipartisan solutions to address it. https://ctt.ac/65C4l+

4. Talk to Your Elected Representatives

Your Senator and Representative needs to know that the fiscal challenge is something you care about. Here is a suggested email message:

“I’m concerned about America’s long-term fiscal outlook. I am seeking your commitment to working on solutions to our fiscal challenges, which will lead to a stronger economy, now and in the future. We need action now to begin to stabilize our long-term debt, in order to help the economy grow, keep taxes low, and protect vital programs for those who need them most."

Find your Senator’s contact information or your Representative’s contact information.

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.