Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

June 2018

Source: CNBC
Jun 1, 2018
Super Strong Jobs Report Means June Rate Hike Coming and Fed Could Get More Aggressive
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Source: New York Times
Jun 1, 2018
U.S. Added 223,000 Jobs in May; Unemployment Rate at 3.8%
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May 2018

Source: Associated Press
May 28, 2018
Budget Battle Brews as Trump Threatens Another Shutdown
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Source: The Hill
May 25, 2018
White House Plans to Release New Tax Cut Proposal This Summer
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Source: New York Times
May 23, 2018
Fed Minutes Suggest Few Worries of Economy Overheating
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May 22, 2018
GOP Senators Expect McConnell to Scrap or Scale Back August Break
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Source: CNBC
May 22, 2018
Trump Says He Will Propose New Tax Cuts Prior to November
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Source: CNBC
May 21, 2018
Goldman Sachs: The Fiscal Outlook for the US 'is Not Good'
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Source: The Hill
May 20, 2018
Trump's Plan to Claw Back Spending Hits Wall in Congress
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Source: Yahoo Finance
May 20, 2018
U.S. Government Bonds Pay More Than Debt From Other Developed Nations
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Source: The Hill
May 17, 2018
Senate Rejects Paul's Balanced Budget Plan
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Source: Associated Press
May 17, 2018
Lowest US Birth Rate in 3 Decades Could Pose Risk to Economy
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Source: The Washington Post
May 16, 2018
Republicans Rebuff Trump Push to Cut Spending as Party Seeks to Limit Midterm Losses
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Source: New York Times
May 15, 2018
Trump’s Plan for Cheaper Health Insurance Could Have Hidden Costs
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Source: Reuters
May 15, 2018
At Top of Fed, a Dispute on Policy Picks Up Steam
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Source: CNN
May 15, 2018
Why Trump and Congress are Talking About Scrapping Lawmakers' August Break
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Source: Roll Call
May 15, 2018
Appropriations Vs. Judges: Battle for Senate Floor Time Nears
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Source: The Hill
May 14, 2018
CBO: Rescissions Would Only Save $1B in Spending
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Source: CNBC
May 14, 2018
US Should Watch its Debt Pile Before 'Things Get Out of Hand,' Fed's Mester Says
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Source: Roll Call
May 11, 2018
GOP Senators Express Willingness to Skip August Recess, Bundle Spending Bills
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Source: Roll Call
May 8, 2018
Republicans Warming to $15 Billion Cuts Package
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Source: Roll Call
May 7, 2018
Partisan Fight Over $15 Billion Rescissions Package Developing
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Source: Reuters
May 4, 2018
Fed Officials Keep Open Mind on Rate Hikes, Show Little Concern on Inflation
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Source: NPR
May 4, 2018
U.S. Unemployment Drops to 3.9 Percent — Lowest Since 2000
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May 3, 2018
Trump Set to Scale Back Spending Cut Plan to $11B
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