Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

June 2018

Source: The Hill
Jun 27, 2018
Ryan Throws Weight Behind Two-Year Spending Reform
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Source: New York Times
Jun 20, 2018
Senate Rejects White House Plan to Cancel Unused Funding
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Source: Roll Call
Jun 19, 2018
House Budget Would Direct $302 Billion in 10-Year Spending Cuts
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Source: The Washington Post
Jun 19, 2018
U.S. Military Budget Inches Closer to $1 Trillion Mark, as Concerns over Federal Deficit Grow
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Source: Bloomberg
Jun 19, 2018
House GOP Unveils Budget to Fast-Track Tax Cuts, End Obamacare
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Source: New York Times
Jun 19, 2018
Disability Applications Plunge as the Economy Strengthens
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Source: The Hill
Jun 18, 2018
House Panel to Mark Up 2019 Budget
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Source: Roll Call
Jun 18, 2018
House Budget Resolution May Have Short Lifespan
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Source: USA Today
Jun 14, 2018
IMF: Tax Cuts Boosting US Now but Will Hurt Growth Later
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Source: New York Times
Jun 13, 2018
Fed Raises Interest Rates and Signals 2 More Increases Are Coming
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Source: Bloomberg
Jun 12, 2018
U.S. Posts Biggest Monthly Budget Deficit in May Since 2009
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Source: The Hill
Jun 12, 2018
Congress Faces Rising Pressure to Fix Tax Law
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Source: Associated Press
Jun 11, 2018
Fed Watchers Await rate Forecast with a Hike all but Certain
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Source: Reuters
Jun 9, 2018
Tax Cuts to Give Little Lift to U.S. Economy: Fed Paper
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Source: The Hill
Jun 7, 2018
CBO: Revised Rescissions Bill Would Only Save $1.1 Billion
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Source: New York Times
Jun 7, 2018
House Votes to Trim Unused Funding, a Gesture of Fiscal Restraint
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Source: Associated Press
Jun 6, 2018
House GOP Slates Vote on $15B Trump Spending Cut Package
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Source: Reuters
Jun 5, 2018
Fed's Next Rate Hike May Further Rock U.S. Bond Market
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Source: The Hill
Jun 5, 2018
White House Revises Spending 'Claw-back' Proposal
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Jun 5, 2018
House Democrats Throw Wrench in GOP Spending Plans
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Source: New York Times
Jun 5, 2018
Medicare’s Trust Fund Is Set to Run Out in 8 Years. Social Security, 16.
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Source: Roll Call
Jun 5, 2018
CBO: Harbor Tax Provision in House Water Bill Widens Deficit
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Jun 4, 2018
Business Economists Worry About Possible Recession in 2020
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Source: CNN
Jun 4, 2018
Mitch McConnell's Slow and Steady Summer Plans for the Senate
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Source: The Hill
Jun 4, 2018
House to Take Up First 'Minibus' Spending Bill
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