Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

November 2018

Source: The New York Times
Nov 8, 2018
Key House Democrat Promises Hearings on GOP Tax Package
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Source: The Hill
Nov 8, 2018
Dem House to Face Debt Limit Hike in Summer 2019
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Source: The Washington Post
Nov 8, 2018
Defense Contractors Unfazed by Democratic Gains as Republican Deficit Hawks Lose Influence
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Source: The Hill
Nov 8, 2018
Congressional Panel Scales Back Bipartisan Budget Reform Proposal
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Source: Bloomberg
Nov 7, 2018
Obamacare Repeal in Congress Is Dead. Next, a Battle Over Medicare for All
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Source: Stat
Nov 7, 2018
Kumbaya in Washington: Democrats, GOP, and Trump All Pledge to Work to Bring Down Drug Prices
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Source: The Hill
Nov 7, 2018
US records $98 billion deficit in October: CBO
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Source: Defense News
Nov 7, 2018
Post Election, Analysts Still Predict a Budget Deal
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Source: CNBC
Nov 7, 2018
Three Red States Vote to Expand Medicaid During an Election Where Health Care was the Top Issue
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Source: Roll Call
Nov 7, 2018
Democrats Win House Majority; Here’s What They’ll Do With It
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Source: The Hill
Nov 5, 2018
Dems Seek Check on Wall Street, Trump in Midterms
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Source: CBS NEWS
Nov 5, 2018
How The Midterm Elections Could Reshape The Economy
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Source: CNBC
Nov 2, 2018
Jobs Smash Estimates With Gain of 250,000, Wage Gains Pass 3% for First Time Since Recession
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October 2018

Source: The Washington Post
Oct 31, 2018
Trump, House GOP Pledge to Push Middle-Class Tax Cut in 2019, in Later Time Frame
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Source: Reuters
Oct 31, 2018
How the U.S. Midterm Elections Could Ripple Through Markets
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Source: The Washington Post
Oct 30, 2018
U.S. Borrowing on Pace to Top $1.3 Trillion This Year, the Highest Since 2010
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Source: CNBC
Oct 30, 2018
Rising National Debt to Affect Voters' Midterm Election Decisions, Poll Says
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Source: Business Insider
Oct 29, 2018
The U.S. Will Issue Over $1.3 Trillion in New Debt in 2018, the Highest Amount Since the depths of the Recession
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Source: Bloomberg
Oct 29, 2018
Mnuchin Set to Top Geithner's Record as Treasury Auctions Grow
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Source: The Hill
Oct 26, 2018
Pentagon's No. 2 Confirms Plans for Defense Budget Cuts
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Source: USA Today
Oct 26, 2018
US Economy Grew Solid 3.5 Percent in the Third Quarter on Strong Consumer Spending
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Source: Reuters
Oct 23, 2018
For Fed, Sell-Off Could Point to Fading Trump Stimulus
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Source: The Wall Street Journal
Oct 23, 2018
Foreign Buying of U.S. Treasurys Softens, Unsettling Financial Markets
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Source: Bloomberg
Oct 23, 2018
$276 Billion of U.S. Debt Sales is Just Another Week Now
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Source: U.S. News
Oct 23, 2018
Deficit Spending: Not Just for Hard Times Anymore
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