Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

November 2018

Nov 27, 2018
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Nov 26, 2018
House Republicans Unveil Giant Tax Package
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Nov 26, 2018
Shutdown Fight Over Border Wall Nears
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Source: Reuters
Nov 26, 2018
Foreign Buyers Find U.S. Treasuries Less Appealing
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Source: The Washington Post
Nov 25, 2018
Trump Demands Action to Reduce Deficit, Pushes New Deficit Spending
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Source: The Hill
Nov 25, 2018
Business Groups Brace for Dem Push to Hike Corporate Taxes
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Source: The New York Times
Nov 25, 2018
Congress’s Lame-Duck Session: Critical Bills, Looming Deadlines, Little Unity
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Nov 21, 2018
Stalemate on Trump’s Wall Amid Threat of Shutdown
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Source: Reuters
Nov 19, 2018
U.S. Recession Chances Edge Up, Risk Fed Delivers Fewer Hikes: Reuters Poll
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Source: Roll Call
Nov 19, 2018
Surprise Roadblock Could Sideline Budget Overhaul Panel
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Source: The Hill
Nov 18, 2018
Trump and Congress on Collision Course with Military Spending
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Source: The Washington Post
Nov 16, 2018
Democrats Face Early Division Over Rules for Tax Hikes
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Source: Roll Call
Nov 16, 2018
Budget Overhaul Panel Can’t Pull It Together in Time for Thanksgiving
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Source: Roll Call
Nov 15, 2018
Mitch McConnell Upbeat About Path Forward for Border Funding After Meeting With Trump
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Source: The Washington Post
Nov 15, 2018
Democrats would Slow Down Floor votes, Require Committee Action Under Proposed House Rules
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Source: Bloomberg
Nov 14, 2018
Powell Says Solid Economy Faces Headwinds as Fed Mulls Rates
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Nov 14, 2018
White House Looks to Jam Democrats on Border Cash
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Source: The Hill
Nov 14, 2018
Incoming Dem Chairman: Medicare Negotiating Drug Prices is a Priority
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Source: Roll Call
Nov 14, 2018
On Health Care, Dems Go From Running to Baby Steps
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Source: The Hill
Nov 13, 2018
Brady Outlines Lame-Duck Tax Priorities
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Source: Bloomberg
Nov 13, 2018
U.S. Budget Deficit Jumps to $100 Billion at Start of Fiscal Year
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Source: Bloomberg
Nov 13, 2018
Democrats Are Going to Try to Raise the Corporate Tax Rate
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Source: Roll Call
Nov 13, 2018
In Appropriations Endgame, All Roads Lead to Border Wall
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Source: The Washington Post
Nov 12, 2018
Congress Returns to Familiar Threat: Trump’s Demand for Wall Money or Shutdown
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Source: The New York Times
Nov 10, 2018
Democrats Won a Mandate on Health Care. How Will They Use It?
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