Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

July 2019

Source: The Hill
Jul 17, 2019
Administration Pushes Back on Quick Budget Deal: "We Have a Way to Go"
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Source: Associated Press
Jul 17, 2019
Washington Talks Could Soon Yield Spending, Debt Deal
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Source: New York Times
Jul 17, 2019
House Votes to Repeal Obamacare Tax Once Seen as Key to Health Law
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Source: The Hill
Jul 17, 2019
White House, Congress Inch Toward Debt, Budget Deal
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 16, 2019
McCarthy Pitches Monthlong Debt Ceiling Stopgap, if Deal Can’t be Reached
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Source: CNBC
Jul 16, 2019
Recession Fears Rise for Middle-Class Families
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Jul 15, 2019
Pelosi Rejects Short-Term Debt Ceiling Hike as Budget Talks Extend
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Source: The Associated Press
Jul 15, 2019
Mnuchin Says Budget Deal With Pelosi is ‘Very Close’
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Source: The Hill
Jul 15, 2019
WH Projects $1 Trillion Deficit for 2019
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 15, 2019
House to vote on health care ‘Cadillac tax’ repeal
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Source: The Hill
Jul 14, 2019
GOP Struggles to Find Backup Plan for Avoiding Debt Default
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Source: The Washington Post
Jul 11, 2019
Pelosi Says She is Seeking to Finalize Deal to Raise Debt Ceiling and Resolve Budget Impasse Before August Recess
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Source: Bloomberg
Jul 11, 2019
U.S. Budget Gap Widens to $747 Billion in 9 Months Through June
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 11, 2019
Senate GOP Lines Up Behind Two-Year Debt, Spending Deal, Whip Says
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Source: The Hill
Jul 11, 2019
Fed Chairman Warns of 'Unthinkable' Harm if Debt Ceiling Isn’t Raised
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Source: The New York Times
Jul 11, 2019
The Fed’s New Message: The Economy Can Get a Lot Better for Workers
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Source: CNBC
Jul 11, 2019
US Core Inflation Posts Biggest Gain in Nearly 1 1/2 years
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Source: The Washington Post
Jul 10, 2019
White House Pushes Congress to Strike Deal as Treasury Could Run Out of Cash Faster
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Source: The Associated Press
Jul 10, 2019
Powell’s Message to Congress: Rate Cut is Likely Coming Soon
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Source: The New York Times
Jul 10, 2019
Fed Chair Powell Signals Openness to Rate Cut and Stock Market Rallies
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Source: The Hill
Jul 10, 2019
High Anxiety Hits Senate Over Raising Debt Ceiling
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Source: The Hill
Jul 9, 2019
Richest 1 Percent Have Seen Income Share Grow 70%: CBO
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 9, 2019
Pelosi: Debt Limit Vote Possible Before August Recess
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Source: The Associated Press
Jul 9, 2019
AP-NORC Poll: Many Feeling Vulnerable Despite Economic Gains
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Source: The New York Times
Jul 9, 2019
Obamacare in Jeopardy as Appeals Court Hears Case Backed by Trump
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