Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

September 2019

Source: Marketplace
Sep 18, 2019
A Divided Fed Reduces Rates but May Not Cut Again This Year
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Source: The New York Times
Sep 18, 2019
The Fed Is Poised to Cut Rates Again. Here’s What to Watch.
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Source: NPR
Sep 18, 2019
Fed Eyes Another Interest Rate Cut To Prop Up The Slowing Economy
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Source: The Associated Press
Sep 17, 2019
Democrats Push Ahead With Short-Term Bill to Avoid Shutdown
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Source: The Hill
Sep 17, 2019
Cost for Last Three Government Shutdowns Estimated at $4 Billion
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Source: CNBC
Sep 16, 2019
The Fed Is Likely to Lower Rates Again This Week, but Also Signal It’s in No Hurry to Keep Cutting
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Source: Yahoo! Finance
Sep 15, 2019
Former CBO Director: Widening Budget Deficit Is 'the Biggest Risk Facing the U.S. over the Long Term'
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Source: The Washington Post
Sep 13, 2019
House Republicans, Seeking Path Back to Majority, Vow to Try Again on Scrapping Health-Care Law, Curbing Deficits
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Source: Modern Healthcare
Sep 13, 2019
States Focus on High-Risk Patients to Drop Medicaid Spending
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Source: Bloomberg
Sep 13, 2019
Trump’s 50-Year Bond Dream Saves Little for American Taxpayers
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Source: The Associated Press
Sep 12, 2019
US Budget Deficit for 11 Months up $169 Billion over 2018
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Source: The Hill
Sep 12, 2019
Defense Spending Bill Advances over Democratic Wall Objections
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Source: CNBC
Sep 12, 2019
Mnuchin Says the Treasury Is ‘Seriously Considering’ Issuing a 50-Year Bond Next Year
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Source: The New York Times
Sep 11, 2019
Trump Won’t Order a Capital Gains Tax Cut, for Now
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Source: The New York Times
Sep 10, 2019
Study Shows Income Gap Between Rich and Poor Keeps Growing, with Deadly Effects
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Source: The Hill
Sep 10, 2019
State Spending Talks Go off the Rails
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Sep 10, 2019
Number of Uninsured Americans Rises for the First Time Since Obamacare
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Source: The Hill
Sep 9, 2019
Deficit Surpasses $1 Trillion: CBO
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Source: The Associated Press
Sep 9, 2019
Lawmakers Eye Stopgap Spending Bill to Prevent a Shutdown
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Sep 9, 2019
Mnuchin Says Administration Will Consider New Round of Tax Cuts in 2020
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Source: Marketplace
Sep 9, 2019
Congress Returns to Face Funding Deadline
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Source: The New York Times
Sep 9, 2019
Which Health Policies Actually Work? We Rarely Find Out
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Source: The New York Times
Sep 6, 2019
Fed Chair Powell Speaks and Leaves Investors Expecting a Rate Cut
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Source: CNBC
Sep 6, 2019
Job Growth Falls Short of Expectations as August Payrolls Rise Just 130,000
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Sep 5, 2019
House to Vote on Stopgag Bill to Avert Shutdown
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