Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

September 2017

Source: Associated Press
Sep 11, 2017
Senate GOP Looking for Budget Deal to Open Way to Tax Redo
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Source: Reuters
Sep 11, 2017
'Big Six' Member Says Tax Reform Blueprint to Follow Senate Hearings
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Source: The Washington Post
Sep 11, 2017
McConnell: No New Debt Ceiling Vote Until ‘Well into 2018’
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Source: The Hill
Sep 11, 2017
US Federal Debt Passes $20 Trillion for First Time
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Source: Bloomberg
Sep 11, 2017
Trump Debt Limit Deal Undermines Trust Among GOP on Tax Overhaul
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Source: New York Times
Sep 10, 2017
Hurricanes Harvey and Irma Give Fed More Reasons to Hold Interest Rates for the Rest of 2017, Experts Say
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Source: Roll Call
Sep 8, 2017
Closed-Door Process Might Threaten Tax Timeline in Senate
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Source: New York Times
Sep 7, 2017
The Debt Ceiling: Why We Have It, and What Would Happen if It Died
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Source: Morning Consult
Sep 7, 2017
Senators Float Broader Effort on Healthcare Costs in Bipartisan Talks
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Source: Wall Street Journal
Sep 7, 2017
Senate Passes Bill on Storm Aid, Debt Limit and Government Spending
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Source: Kaiser Health News
Sep 7, 2017
Congress’ Tight Timetable Complicates Renewal Of Children’s Health Plan
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Source: Roll Call
Sep 7, 2017
Senate Pins Healthcare Hopes On Bipartisan Bill
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Source: Bloomberg BNA
Sep 6, 2017
Congressional Priority Pileup Slows Tax Reform Timeline
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Source: New York Times
Sep 6, 2017
Trump and Congressional Leaders Agree to Tie Debt Ceiling to Harvey Relief
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Source: The Washington Post
Sep 5, 2017
Senate Panel Begins Bipartisan Hearings to Try to Improve Affordable Care Act
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Source: Roll Call
Sep 5, 2017
McCarthy Predicts Three-Month Spending Bill, Delayed Wall Debate
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Source: Bloomberg
Sep 5, 2017
House Readies Harvey Aid as Senate GOP Mulls Adding Debt Limit
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Source: Bloomberg
Sep 4, 2017
House Sets Vote on Harvey Aid Without Debt Limit Raise
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Source: The Hill
Sep 2, 2017
Tax Reform Advocates Hope GOP can Avoid September Catastrophes
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Source: Wall Street Journal
Sep 1, 2017
Harvey Relief Bill Could Help Congress Raise Debt Ceiling
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Source: Associated Press
Sep 1, 2017
U.S. Job Growth Slows to 156K; Unemployment Up to 4.4 PCT
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Source: The Hill
Sep 1, 2017
Lawmakers to Give Bipartisanship a Try on Obamacare
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August 2017

Source: The Washington Post
Aug 31, 2017
Harvey, Trump Tax Plan to Put New Strain on Budget Deficit
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Source: CNBC
Aug 30, 2017
US Revised Second-quarter GDP Up 3.0% vs 2.7% Rise Expected
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Source: The Washington Post
Aug 30, 2017
With His Tax Effort in Peril, Trump to Push Congress for Swift Action
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