Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

September 2017

Source: Reuters
Sep 26, 2017
Trump Shows Interest in Bipartisan Tax Reform as Obamacare Repeal Collapses
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Source: New York Times
Sep 25, 2017
In Tax Code Rewrite, Republicans Ask How Low Can They Go
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Source: Morning Consult
Sep 21, 2017
PAYGO Presents Potential Hurdle to GOP Tax Reform
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Source: The Washington Post
Sep 21, 2017
White House Plan for Tax Cuts Moves Forward
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Source: New York Times
Sep 20, 2017
Confident Fed Sets Stage for December Rate Increase
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Source: Bloomberg
Sep 20, 2017
Senators' Deal Makes Tax Cuts More Likely, May Limit Their Scope
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Source: The Washington Post
Sep 19, 2017
White House Seriously Considers Abandoning Some Tax Cuts for the Wealthy
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Source: The Hill
Sep 19, 2017
Corker Unveils Tax Reform Details
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Source: New York Times
Sep 19, 2017
Senate Republicans Embrace Plan for $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut
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Source: CBS News
Sep 18, 2017
5 Issues Lurking in the GOP's Tax Reform Plan
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Source: The Washington Post
Sep 17, 2017
Senate Republicans Look to Revive Effort to Repeal Obamacare by End of September
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Source: The Washington Post
Sep 16, 2017
To Make their Tax Plan Work, Republicans Eye a Favorite Blue-State Break
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Source: Associated Press
Sep 16, 2017
Tax Cuts Quiet Once-Deafening GOP Call for Fiscal Discipline
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Source: Morning Consult
Sep 15, 2017
Centrist Democrats Turn to Pragmatism, Seek Bipartisan ACA Fixes
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Source: Reuters
Sep 14, 2017
Republican Unity on U.S. Tax Overhaul Shows Sign of Fraying
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Source: The Hill
Sep 14, 2017
House Passes $1.2T Government Funding Package for 2018
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Source: New York Times
Sep 14, 2017
Tax Overhaul to Be Unveiled This Month May Be Less Than Advertised
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Source: The Hill
Sep 14, 2017
Debt Ceiling Gambit Stirs GOP Debate
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Source: Reuters
Sep 14, 2017
Renewed U.S. Debt Ceiling Wrangle May Have Negative Rating Impact: Fitch
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Source: New York Times
Sep 13, 2017
Medicare for All or State Control: Healthcare Plans Go to Extremes
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Source: Reuters
Sep 13, 2017
Difficult to Cut U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Below 26 Percent: Study
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Source: Roll Call
Sep 13, 2017
After Deal, Debt Limit Talk Still Permeates Debates
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Source: Reuters
Sep 13, 2017
Trump Steps Up Talks with Democrats on Taxes as Timetable Set
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Source: The Washington Post
Sep 13, 2017
Getting Rid of all Tax Breaks could Reduce the Corporate Tax Rate to 26 Percent, Study Says
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Source: The New York Times
Sep 12, 2017
Median U.S. Household Income Up for 2nd Straight Year
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