There are a number of key fiscal issues not only facing the current Congress in coming weeks, but also awaiting the new Congress.

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Seven in ten voters from across the political spectrum say the record national debt will be an important factor in their vote in next week's Midterm Elections.

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Last year's tax cuts have had significant implications for the federal budget, our economy, and every family and business in the country.

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Revenues in 2018 didn’t even keep up with inflation, much less growth in nominal gross domestic product.

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The International Monetary Fund warns that U.S. debt levels pose a risk for future economic growth and fiscal stability.

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Trillion-dollar annual deficits not seen since the Great Recession are expected to return as soon as next year.

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Corporate tax receipts dropped by 31% in 2018 — an unprecedented decline during a time of economic growth. Explore what's responsible for the plunge.

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Outside of the recent recession caused by the financial crisis and its aftermath, the U.S. government has never witnessed deficits that exceeded $1 trillion.

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Without income from Social Security, two thirds of the elderly would be considered poor.

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Rising costs of prescription drugs and their effect on Medicare could have serious consequences on our healthcare system and our nation's fiscal well-being.

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Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.