Grants and Projects

The Peter G. Peterson Foundation’s mission is to increase awareness of the nature and urgency of key fiscal challenges threatening America’s future and to accelerate action on them. The Foundation works with leading policy experts, elected officials, and the public to build support for solutions to put America on a sustainable fiscal path. The Foundation supports innovative projects, through grants and partnerships to educate and engage Americans from a variety of perspectives.

Learn how to apply for grant funding.


Awarding Organization Year Grantee Amount ($) Description
Peterson Foundation
Hope Street Group $48,500
Project Description:

To support the Bipartisan Working Group on Health Care Reform to address health care policies and disseminate findings in an effort to engage thought leaders in the areas of health care policy and cost containment.

See all Hope Street Group grants
Peterson Foundation
Institute for Healthcare Improvement $269,371
Project Description:

To support the "How Will We Do That?" symposium to examine how to build low-cost, high-quality health care in communities across the United States.

See all Institute for Healthcare Improvement grants
Peterson Foundation
NABE Foundation of the National Association for Business Economics $35,000
Project Description:

To support the NABE Foundation's work with NABE's 2011 Economic Policy Conference, a national event addressing the nexus of economics, business, and policymaking.

See all NABE Foundation of the National Association for Business Economics grants
Peterson Foundation
New America Foundation $300,000
Project Description:

To support the Moment of Truth Project at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget to advance responsible fiscal policy and budget process reform through outreach and engagement efforts.

See all New America Foundation grants
Peterson Foundation
New America Foundation $500,000
Project Description:

To support the Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget to advance responsible fiscal policy and budget process reform through outreach and engagement toward policymakers, opinion leaders, media, and the public.

See all New America Foundation grants
Peterson Foundation
Nuclear Threat Initiative $1,000,000
Project Description:

To support the "Connecting Organizations for Regional Disease Surveillance" (CORDS) initiative, which links regional disease surveillance networks to improve global capacity to respond to infectious diseases, and the Nuclear Materials Security Index, a benchmarking project of nuclear materials security conditions on a country-by-country basis.

See all Nuclear Threat Initiative grants
Peterson Foundation
Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics $225,000
Project Description:

To support research that examines global aggregate public debt projections under likely scenarios through 2030, discusses the implications of these issues for the United States, and investigates the potential long-term impact across global economies.

See all Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics grants
Peterson Foundation
Project HOPE $50,000
Project Description:

To support a *Health Affairs* conference and publication of case studies on innovative projects addressing health care costs and quality.

See all Project HOPE grants
Peterson Foundation
Rice University $25,000
Project Description:

To support a conference examining the historical economic effects of debt crises, the looming fiscal crisis in the United States, and potential solutions.

See all Rice University grants
Peterson Foundation
The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute $200,000
Project Description:

To support the Roosevelt Institute Campus Network's development of comprehensive and specific solutions to address the nation's long-term fiscal challenges, as part of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Solutions Initiative.

See all The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute grants
Peterson Foundation
The Heritage Foundation $200,000
Project Description:

To support the development of comprehensive and specific solutions to address the nation's long-term fiscal challenges, as part of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Solutions Initiative.

See all The Heritage Foundation grants

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.