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    Programs & Projects

    Growth and Change in the Composition of Vulnerable Nonresident Fatherhood

    This study looks at the number and composition of vulnerable nonresident fathers who have limited ability to pay their child support obligations. Using a representative state’s policies, it provides rough predictions of how many nonresident fathers would have negative income after meeting their full child support obligations, their own basic needs and tax obligations. It also describes the demographic composition of these vulnerable fathers.

    Programs & Projects

    Socioeconomic Disparities in Disabled and Disability-Free Life Expectancy: Implications for Our Fiscal Future

    This paper models how disability-free and disabled life expectancy — broken into mildly- and severely-disabled spells at older ages — vary by socioeconomic characteristics. It then discusses the impact of these findings on the finances of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

    Programs & Projects

    Race, Gender, and Money in Politics: Campaign Finance and Federal Candidates in the 2018 Midterms

    This project explores issues of race and identity by studying how multiracial legislators view the relationship between their racial backgrounds and their legislative duties. The findings from this research will provide insight into the future political representation of minority communities.

    Programs & Projects

    The Role of Institutions in Shaping America’s Future Demographics

    This paper examines the political and economic motivations citizens of Mexico, China and India have to migrate to the US, as well as the role that American political institutions play in determining who immigrates here. It highlights US immigration policies as playing the primary role in determining the flow of immigrants to the US, particularly for India and China. While immigration from Mexico is in part determined by policy, there is evidence that economic and network factors matter as well.

    Programs & Projects

    US 2050

    What will America look like at mid-century? US 2050 will examine and analyze the multiple demographic, socioeconomic, and fiscal trends that will shape the nation in the decades ahead.

    Programs & Projects

    The Impact of Immigration Reform on Medicare’s Fiscal Solvency

    This paper examines the fiscal impact of immigration reform on the solvency of the Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D Trust funds. It uses a hypothetical reform proposal to estimate the additional contributions and benefit costs of expanding Medicare eligibility for immigrants who are currently unauthorized.

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.