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    PGPF Convenes Leaders On Fiscal Cliff Solutions

    In January 2013, a series of tax increases and spending cuts are slated to go into effect automatically and all at once. Many are calling this major fiscal policy shift the "Fiscal Cliff." If all of the changes are allowed to proceed, future budget deficits would be substantially reduced. However, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has forecast that the economy would be thrown into recession in 2013 — an outcome that threatens our still-fragile economic recovery.

    About the Peterson Foundation


    In 2008, the Peter G. Peterson Foundation was established with the goal of preserving the American Dream for the next generation. My father saw our high and rising debt as a transcendent threat to our future economy – posing a risk to every American, and our leadership role in the world.

    Programs & Projects

    Expert Views: Bipartisan Policymaking under Divided Government

    As Washington faces closely divided government, the nonpartisan Peter G. Peterson Foundation is convening respected policy experts to help break the gridlock. This set of eight new essays highlights a range of ideas on how to make progress on key fiscal and economic goals. The authors include leaders from across the political spectrum, offering historical context and practical advice to help lawmakers rise above the politics to make bipartisan progress.

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.