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    Programs & Projects

    Immigration and Tomorrow’s Elderly

    This project examines the role immigrants play in health and caregiving and builds on research that suggests that elderly individuals living in immigrant-dense areas are more likely to both “age in place” and enjoy lower mortality. It explores how immigration policy will affect the caregiving labor force in 2050 and how those labor force effects could affect the health of the elderly population.

    Programs & Projects

    New Developments in Childhood Health: Trends and Consequences in Young Adulthood

    This paper examines how the prevalence of childhood health conditions has changed over the past two decades. It also assesses the implications of these health conditions for the transition to adulthood, particularly with regard to educational attainment and sustained financial dependence from parents.

    Programs & Projects

    Preparing the Future Workforce: Early Care and Education Participation Among Children of Immigrants

    This project seeks to understand how mobility has evolved over the course of the 20th Century to predict how it may evolve over the next 30 years. It examines neighborhood factors that affect mobility and investigates whether the historical characteristics of childhood neighborhoods affect adult outcomes. The paper includes results for children by race, gender and levels of parental income.

    Programs & Projects

    Immigrants and the U.S. Wage Distribution

    This project documents how foreign-born workers affect the wages of low, middle- and high-income workers. It documents the evolution of immigrants in the US wage distribution since 1980, identifies the way that immigrants reshape the wage distribution, and considers the implications of immigration on the future wage distribution in the US.

    Programs & Projects

    Work-Related Opportunity Costs of Providing Unpaid Family Care

    This project examines the impact on labor force participation, hours worked and earnings of adult children when they decide to provide unpaid care for older parents. It also assesses the overall employment-related opportunity cost of unpaid family care in the United States today and through 2050.

    Programs & Projects

    How Will Retirement Saving Change By 2050? Prospects for the Millennial Generation

    This project follows working-age adults over time to understand how economic, demographic and policy changes are impacting their retirement preparation. It also projects their financial outcomes at older ages to understand the implications of these changes on their future retirement security.

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.