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    Programs & Projects

    How Will Retirement Saving Change By 2050? Prospects for the Millennial Generation

    This project follows working-age adults over time to understand how economic, demographic and policy changes are impacting their retirement preparation. It also projects their financial outcomes at older ages to understand the implications of these changes on their future retirement security.

    Programs & Projects

    Geographic Mobility and Parental Co-residence Among Young Adults

    This paper seeks to understand how the option of co-residing with parents affects young people’s decisions to migrate. It compares labor and housing market conditions in the areas young people leave to those conditions in areas they migrate to when deciding to co-reside with parents. It also considers role of other potential benefits of co-residence.


    Taxes | PGPF Fiscal Issue Primers

    Each year, some of the revenue the federal government collects comes from various taxes. In 2012, taxpayers paid almost $2.5 trillion, which the government used to partially fund $3.5 trillion worth of spending on Social Security, health care, and other programs in areas such as defense and education. The remainder of spending was funded through deficits.

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.