January 25, 2024

92% of Voters More Likely to Support Candidates Backing a Commission to Reduce the National Debt

More than 9-in-10 voters are more likely to support a candidate that backs a fiscal commission


As Congress navigates budget deadlines, new polling shows growing momentum and overwhelming voter support for a bipartisan fiscal commission to recommend solutions for America’s $34 trillion national debt.

Following last week’s passage of fiscal commission legislation from the House Budget Committee, significant majorities of voters across party lines agree that a commission would strengthen Social Security for future generations, lower borrowing costs for consumers and for the government, help ensure fairness in our tax system, and improve our economic outlook.

Additionally, as the 2024 campaign season heats up, more than nine-in-ten voters would be more likely to support a candidate that supports a bipartisan fiscal commission to reduce the national debt, including 92% of Democrats and 94% of Republicans.

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Below are key highlights from the new poll, conducted by Democratic firm Global Strategy Group and Republican firm North Star Opinion Research.

Substantial majorities of U.S. voters across party lines agree that a bipartisan commission to reduce the national debt would…

Overall Democrats Republicans
Improve the U.S. economic outlook 89% 89% 89%
Strengthen Social Security 87% 87% 86%
Reduce record interest costs on the national debt 87% 86% 90%
Help ensure the U.S. tax system is fair and can fund the promises made 84% 85% 83%
Lower borrowing costs for consumers for things like mortgages, auto loans and credit card balances 84% 86% 83%
Help free up resources needed to address priorities like climate change, national security, infrastructure and healthcare 82% 86% 78%

SOURCE: Poll jointly conducted by Democratic firm Global Strategy Group and Republican firm North Star Opinion Research, on January 16 and 17, surveyed 1,001 registered voters.

© 2024 Peter G. Peterson Foundation


Related: Growing Momentum for a Fiscal Commission in Congress

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