2016 Fiscal Summit: Summary and Highlights

Leading experts and policymakers from across the political spectrum gathered on May 11, 2016, in Washington, D.C., to discuss the fiscal and economic priorities for the next president, at the Peter G. Peterson Foundation’s 2016 Fiscal Summit: Leadership for a Secure Future. The Foundation’s seventh-annual Fiscal Summit explored the leadership required to solve our long-term fiscal challenges and secure America’s economic future.

You can download the summary book in its entirety or browse below to download summaries or watch videos of specific presentations. 


Welcome and Opening Remarks: Leadership for a Secure Future

Pete Peterson, Founder and Chairman, Peter G. Peterson Foundation

Michael A. Peterson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Peter G. Peterson Foundation

Read the summary | Watch Pete Peterson's remarks | Watch Michael A. Peterson's remarks

The State of Play: America’s Fiscal and Economic Outlook

Keith Hall, Director, Congressional Budget Office

Read the summary | Watch the video

Looking Ahead: Memos to the Next President

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, President, American Action Forum; Former Director, Congressional Budget Office

Robert Reischauer, President Emeritus, Urban Institute; Former Director, Congressional Budget Office

MODERATOR: Ruth Marcus, Columnist, The Washington Post

Read the summary | Watch the video | Read the Memos to the Next President

Strength at Home and Abroad: The Coalition for Fiscal and National Security

Admiral Michael G. Mullen, USN (Ret.); 17th Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; President, MGM Consulting Chairman, Coalition for Fiscal and National Security

Secretary Chuck Hagel, 24th U.S. Secretary of Defense; Former U.S. Senator; Member, Coalition for Fiscal and National Security

Senator Sam Nunn, Former U.S. Senator; Co-Chairman and CEO, Nuclear Threat Initiative; Member, Coalition for Fiscal and National Security

MODERATOR: David E. Sanger, National Security Correspondent, The New York Times

Read the summary | Watch the video | Read the 2016 statement from the Coalition

Budget Process Reform: Can a Better Process Lead to Good Policy?

Senator Michael B. Enzi (R-WY), Chairman, U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget and Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

MODERATOR: John Harwood, Chief Washington Correspondent, CNBC; Political Writer, The New York Times

Read the summary | Watch the video

Insider’s Lunch: Senator Lindsey Graham

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations and Committee on the Budget

INTERVIEWERS: Mark Halperin, Co-Managing Editor, Bloomberg Politics; Co-Host, MSNBC and Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect. John Heilemann, Co-Managing Editor, Bloomberg Politics; Co-Host, MSNBC and Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect.

Read the summary | Watch the video

Congressional Leaders: The Legislative Outlook in a Political Season

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services and Committee  on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

INTERVIEWER: Dana Bash, Chief Political Correspondent, CNN

Read the summary | Watch the video with Leader Pelosi | Watch the video with Senator Manchin

From the Campaign Trail to the White House: Economic Advisors to the Candidates

Sam Clovis, National Co-Chair and Chief Policy Advisor, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

David Kamin, Economic Policy Advisor to Hillary for America

INTERVIEWER: John Harwood, Chief Washington Correspondent, CNBC; Political Writer, The New York Times

Read the summary | Watch the video

Beyond the Beltway: The Economic Forces Driving the 2016 Election

Heather Boushey, Executive Director and Chief Economist, Washington Center for Equitable Growth

Carroll Doherty, Director of Political Research, Pew Research Center

James Pethokoukis, Editor, AEIdeas; and Dewitt Wallace Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

MODERATOR: Neil King Jr., Global Economics Editor, The Wall Street Journal

Read the summary | Watch the video

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