2016 Election why fiscal issues are important this election

The 2016 election season is an important opportunity for a conversation between voters and candidates about the nation’s fiscal future. Voters understand that our nation’s fiscal health is closely tied to its economic strength. They are calling on candidates from both parties to put forward their plans to stabilize our long-term debt and build a solid fiscal foundation to support economic growth and opportunity. The Peterson Foundation is pleased to provide a range of nonpartisan resources, data, and analysis to help foster this conversation.
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The fiscal top ten

Why should fiscal and economic issues be at the forefront of the 2016 election conversation? Check out the fiscal top ten to better understand our unsustainable long-term debt, and see why candidates and voters should be talking about this challenge throughout the election.

Why Long-Term Debt Matters


Despite recent improvements in near-term deficits, America’s long-term fiscal challenges remain. Take a look at the underlying trends behind our unsustainable fiscal path.

Memos to the President & Congress


Solutions do exist

The Peterson Foundation's Solutions Initiative brings together policy organizations from across the political spectrum to develop long-term fiscal plans. The result? Each group stabilized America’s long-term debt successfully. They also provided specific policy recommendations to the next President and Congress.

Voters agree


More than 9 in 10 voters agree that a stable fiscal foundation will help the economy grow, and wide majorities from both parties believe putting our long-term debt on a sustainable path will enhance mobility, opportunity, and business and consumer confidence.

Opportunity for America


Hear from fiscal and economic experts including Larry Summers, Alice Rivlin, Glenn Hubbard and Raj Chetty about the opportunity policymakers have to secure America's future.

latest pgpf chart pack

Updated monthly

The Story behind the numbers:
Selected charts on the long-term fiscal challenges of the United States.

A Strong Fiscal Foundation


How does a strong fiscal foundation help support a growing, thriving economy? This short animation explains the connection with easy-to-understand terms and images.

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.