Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

June 2023

Source: The Washington Post
Jun 13, 2023
Inflation Eased Further in May but Remains Above Normal Levels
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Source: NPR
Jun 13, 2023
Cheaper Eggs and Gas Lead Inflation Lower in May, but Higher Prices Pop Up Elsewhere
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Source: AP News
Jun 13, 2023
US Consumer Price Growth Slowed Last Month as Inflation Shows Signs of Steady Decline
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Jun 12, 2023
Fed Poised for Respite on Rate Hikes. Now the Hurt Begins.
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Source: The New York Times
Jun 12, 2023
As the Fed Meets, It Shares an Inflation Problem With the World
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Source: AP News
Jun 8, 2023
US Applications for Jobless Benefits Highest Since October 2021
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Source: Roll Call
Jun 7, 2023
Deeper Spending Cuts May Be in Play to Break House Deadlock
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Source: The New York Times
Jun 7, 2023
A $1 Trillion Borrowing Binge Looms After Debt Limit Standoff
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Source: AP News
Jun 7, 2023
Is It a ‘Skip’ or a ‘Pause’? Federal Reserve Won’t Likely Raise Rates Next Week but Maybe Next Month
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Source: Roll Call
Jun 5, 2023
IRS Budget Battle Not Over After Debt Ceiling Agreement
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Source: The New York Times
Jun 2, 2023
The Debt-Limit Deal Suggests Debt Will Keep Growing, Fast
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Source: The New York Times
Jun 1, 2023
House Passes Debt Limit Bill in Bipartisan Vote to Avert Default
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May 2023

Source: Reuters
May 31, 2023
A June Skip Jumps to the Fore Following Latest Fed Comments
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Source: AP News
May 31, 2023
House Debt Ceiling Vote Nears to Avert Default With Biden and McCarthy Both Confident of Passage
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Source: Roll Call
May 30, 2023
Debt Limit Deal Clears Key Hurdle; More Land Mines Await
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Source: The Washington Post
May 30, 2023
Debt Limit Deal Clears 1st Hurdle as McCarthy Works to Tamp Down Dissent
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Source: The Washington Post
May 29, 2023
Debt Ceiling Deal: Here Is What’s in and What’s Out
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Source: The New York Times
May 29, 2023
Why Spending Cuts Likely Won’t Shake the Economy
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Source: Roll Call
May 28, 2023
Bipartisan Debt Limit Package Unveiled as Clock Ticks Toward ‘X Date’
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May 26, 2023
Where the Debt Talks Stand Six Days Before Default Deadline
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Source: The New York Times
May 25, 2023
White House and G.O.P. Close in on Deal to Raise Debt Limit and Cut Spending
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Source: NPR
May 25, 2023
5 Things People Get Wrong About the Debt Ceiling Saga
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Source: The Washington Post
May 24, 2023
GOP Unites in Brinkmanship Over Default, Rejecting Biden Compromises
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May 24, 2023
Fitch Warns of Possible Credit Downgrade With Debt Limit Deadlock
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Source: The New York Times
May 24, 2023
Potential Debt Ceiling Deal Would Barely Change Federal Spending Path
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