Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

December 2019

Source: The New York Times
Dec 11, 2019
House Passes $738 Billion Military Bill With Space Force and Parental Leave
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Source: The New York Times
Dec 11, 2019
Fed Is Likely to Leave Rates Alone, and Markets Wonder What’s Next
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Source: Roll Call
Dec 11, 2019
Overlooked Plans to Add Medicare Benefits Get More Attention
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Source: AP News
Dec 11, 2019
House Leaders Racing the Clock on Government Spending Bill
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Source: The Hill
Dec 10, 2019
Lawmakers Push Spending Deadline to Thursday
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Source: The Hill
Dec 9, 2019
Deficit Spikes 12 Percent in First Two Months of Fiscal Year: CBO
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Source: Roll Call
Dec 9, 2019
Wall Funding Talks ‘Tenuous’ as Appropriators Report Progress
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Source: AP News
Dec 9, 2019
White House Backs Emerging Deal on Consumer Health Costs
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Dec 9, 2019
Congress Rushes to Reach Spending Deal as Deadline Looms
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Source: Roll Call
Dec 9, 2019
Road Ahead: Impeachment Articles and Spending Bills Top the Agenda
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Source: Roll Call
Dec 6, 2019
Foreign Aid Rider Tangles up Final Spending Talks
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Dec 6, 2019
Lawmakers Sprint to Settle Spending Bills Despite Border Wall Hangup
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Source: Roll Call
Dec 5, 2019
Appropriators Seek to Wrap up Talks This Weekend
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Source: The New York Times
Dec 5, 2019
Health Spending Grew Modestly, New Analysis Finds
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Source: The Hill
Dec 5, 2019
US Taxes Drop to 4th Lowest Following GOP Tax Cuts: Study
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Source: NPR
Dec 5, 2019
How Would A Wealth Tax Work?
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Source: The Hill
Dec 5, 2019
Congress Races to Beat Deadline on Shutdown
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Source: Roll Call
Dec 4, 2019
House Democrats to Move on Temporary ‘SALT’ Cap Increase
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Source: Marketplace
Dec 4, 2019
New SNAP Rules Will Affect 700,000 Aid Recipients — and More than 250,000 Retailers
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Source: Roll Call
Dec 4, 2019
Appropriators Set Friday Deadline for Unresolved Issues
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Source: The Washington Post
Dec 4, 2019
The Staggering Millennial Wealth Deficit, in One Chart
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Source: The Wall Street Journal
Dec 4, 2019
White House to Tighten Work Requirements for Food-Stamp Aid
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Source: Roll Call
Dec 3, 2019
House Pushes ‘Dozen Bills or None’ Approach to Spending Talks
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Source: The Hill
Dec 3, 2019
Key GOP Senator: Spending 'Understanding' Needed Within Days to Meet Deadline
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Source: The New York Times
Dec 3, 2019
Why the Less Disruptive Health Care Option Could Be Plenty Disruptive
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