Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

February 2020

Source: The Hill
Feb 17, 2020
Budget Hawks Frustrated by 2020 Politics in Entitlement Reform Fight
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Source: AP News
Feb 14, 2020
Appeals Court Deals Blow to Trump’s Medicaid Work Rules
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Source: The Hill
Feb 14, 2020
Kudlow: New Tax Cuts Will 'Probably Come Out Sometime in September'
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Source: Axios
Feb 14, 2020
Health Care Prices Still Rising Faster than Use of Services
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Source: AP News
Feb 13, 2020
Trump to Transfer $3.8B from Military to Fund His Wall
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Source: Business Insider
Feb 13, 2020
As the US Budget Deficit Barrels toward $1 Trillion, the White House Doubles Down on Claim that Tax Cuts Will 'Pay for Themselves'
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Source: The Hill
Feb 12, 2020
Deficit Spikes 25 Percent through January
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Source: CNBC
Feb 12, 2020
Trump’s Budget Could Make It Harder to Stay on Social Security Disability Insurance
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Source: Roll Call
Feb 12, 2020
Without a Budget, How Will Democrats Communicate Their Fiscal Priorities?
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Source: Bloomberg
Feb 12, 2020
Powell Suggests the Fed May Lack Ammo to Combat Next Recession
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Source: The New York Times
Feb 11, 2020
The Federal Budget Under Trump, Per Person
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Source: The Washington Post
Feb 11, 2020
Fed Chair Powell Warns Congress that $1 Trillion Budget Deficits Are Unsustainable
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Source: Business Insider
Feb 11, 2020
The $23 Trillion Debt Leaves the US with Fewer Tools to Fight a Recession, Fed Warns Congress
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Source: The New York Times
Feb 10, 2020
In Trump’s Budget, Big Health Care Cuts but Few Details
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Source: The New York Times
Feb 10, 2020
Trump’s Budget Math Grapples with Economic Reality
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Source: The Washington Post
Feb 10, 2020
Trump Proposes $4.8 Trillion Election-Year Budget with Big Domestic Cuts
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Source: The New York Times
Feb 10, 2020
Trump to Propose $4.8 Trillion Budget With More Border Wall Funding
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Source: AP News
Feb 10, 2020
Trump’s $4.8 Trillion Budget Proposal Revisits Rejected Cuts
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Source: The Hill
Feb 9, 2020
US to Spend up to $66M in Efforts to Counter Coronavirus: Health Officials
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Source: Roll Call
Feb 7, 2020
States Wary of Possible Changes to Highway Funding
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Source: Reuters
Feb 7, 2020
Blue Collar Boom? College Grads, Baby Boomers Big Winners in Trump's Economy
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Source: NBC News
Feb 6, 2020
Food stamp Change Would Hurt Kids, Educators and Advocates Testify
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Source: The Hill
Feb 6, 2020
Mnuchin Signals No Balance in Trump Budget
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Source: AP News
Feb 6, 2020
Governors Warn Trump Rule Could Lead to Big Medicaid Cuts
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Source: Reuters
Feb 5, 2020
U.S. Government Proposes Higher Payments to Medicare Insurers in 2021
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