Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

April 2020

Source: The Washington Post
Apr 9, 2020
6.6 Million Americans Filed for Unemployment Last Week, Bringing the Pandemic Total to over 17 Million
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Source: CNBC
Apr 9, 2020
Federal Reserve Unveils Details of $2.3 Trillion in Programs to Help Support the Economy
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Source: NPR
Apr 9, 2020
IRS Budget Cuts, Staffing Challenges Create Coronavirus Payment Headaches
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Source: Roll Call
Apr 8, 2020
Conflicting Priorities Threaten Quick Coronavirus Aid Passage
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Source: The Washington Post
Apr 8, 2020
Showdown Heats up Between Trump, Democrats over Demand for More Coronavirus Small Business Funds
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Source: Bloomberg
Apr 8, 2020
U.S. Recession Model at 100% Confirms Downturn Is Already Here
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Apr 7, 2020
Trump Removes Independent Watchdog for Coronavirus Funds, Upending Oversight Panel
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Source: The New York Times
Apr 7, 2020
With Demand Soaring, Congress Weighs Adding $250 Billion in Small-Business Aid
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Source: Roll Call
Apr 7, 2020
Medical Providers Hope Emergency Funds, Waivers Stay in Place
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Source: The Washington Post
Apr 6, 2020
Small Businesses Worry $349 Billion Emergency Lending Program Isn’t Big Enough
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Source: The Washington Post
Apr 6, 2020
Worried that $2 Trillion Law Wasn’t Enough, Trump and Congressional Leaders Converge on Need for New Coronavirus Economic Package
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Source: Reuters
Apr 6, 2020
Coronavirus Muddies U.S. Economic Data as Business Closures Push down Response Rates
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Source: The Washington Post
Apr 5, 2020
Americans Hit by Economic Shocks as Confusion, Stumbles Undermine Trump’s Stimulus Effort
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Source: Bloomberg
Apr 4, 2020
Speaker Pelosi Aims to Bring Up Next Virus Stimulus This Month
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Source: Roll Call
Apr 3, 2020
Government Plans to Pay Hospitals for COVID-19 Care for Uninsured
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Source: Roll Call
Apr 3, 2020
Pelosi Punts on Infrastructure in Next Coronavirus Aid Package
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Source: ABC News
Apr 3, 2020
White House Considers Plan to Cover Medical Bills for Millions of Uninsured Americans
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Source: Roll Call
Apr 2, 2020
CBO: Second Coronavirus Aid Package Will Cost $192 Billion
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Source: CNBC
Apr 2, 2020
CBO Sees the Economy down 7% in Second Quarter and the Jobless Rate past 10%
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Apr 2, 2020
Pelosi Forms New Select Committee to Oversee $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package
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Source: NPR
Apr 2, 2020
A Dismal Record: Nearly 10 Million Filed For Unemployment In Last 2 Weeks
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Source: Bloomberg
Apr 2, 2020
Trump, Pelosi Put 2017 Tax Law on Table in Next Virus Aid Round
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Apr 1, 2020
Trump Hints at Using Federal Programs to Provide Coverage after Obamacare Decision
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Source: The Hill
Apr 1, 2020
House Democrats Push Huge Jobs Project in Wake of Coronavirus
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Source: The New York Times
Apr 1, 2020
Obamacare Markets Will Not Reopen, Trump Decides
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