Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

July 2020

Source: The Hill
Jul 31, 2020
House Approves $1.3 Trillion Spending Package for 2021
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Source: AP News
Jul 31, 2020
Trump, GOP Soften on Opposition to $600 Jobless Benefit
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Source: The Hill
Jul 31, 2020
Coronavirus Recession Hits Social Security, Medicare, Highway Funding
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Jul 30, 2020
Millions to Lose $600 Weekly Jobless Aid Amid Senate Stalemate
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Source: Bloomberg
Jul 30, 2020
U.S. Economy Shrinks at Record 32.9% Pace in Second Quarter
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Source: CNBC
Jul 30, 2020
U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Rise for a Second Straight Week, Total 1.434 Million
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Source: The Washington Post
Jul 29, 2020
Coronavirus Relief Talks Hit Impasse on Capitol Hill
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Source: The New York Times
Jul 29, 2020
As Trump Undercuts Aid Talks, White House Says Extra Jobless Benefits Will Lapse
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Source: AP News
Jul 29, 2020
Fed Wrestles with Its Next Moves as Virus Stalls Us Economy
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Source: Bloomberg
Jul 29, 2020
U.S. Is About to Unveil the Ugliest GDP Report Ever Recorded
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 28, 2020
Uncertainty Hangs over Coronavirus Relief Package as Clock Ticks
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Source: AP News
Jul 28, 2020
Democrats, GOP Far Apart on Virus Aid; Trump Wants a Deal
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Source: Bloomberg
Jul 28, 2020
Fed Extends Emergency Programs Three Months to End of Year
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Source: The Hill
Jul 28, 2020
GOP's Relief Package Hits Wall in Talks with Schumer, Pelosi
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Source: The Washington Post
Jul 28, 2020
With Stimulus in Flux and Infections on the Rise, Focus Is on Powell to Outline the Fate of the Economy
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 27, 2020
Senate GOP Unveils Coronavirus Relief Package; Formal Negotiations Begin
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Source: The New York Times
Jul 26, 2020
Trump Officials Float Idea of Narrow Bill to Extend Unemployment Benefits
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Jul 24, 2020
Trump Signs Limited Drug Pricing Orders after Last-Minute Debate
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Source: The Washington Post
Jul 24, 2020
GOP, White House Aim to Temporarily Reduce Weekly Unemployment Benefit from $600 to $200
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 24, 2020
House Sends Four Spending Bills to Senate, Defying Trump Veto Threat
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Source: NPR
Jul 24, 2020
'Tsunami' Of Evictions Feared As Extra $600 Unemployment Payments End
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Source: Bloomberg
Jul 23, 2020
Trump Poised to Lower Drug Payments to Match Foreign Prices
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Source: Bloomberg
Jul 23, 2020
U.S. Economic Recovery Is Stalling and It May Get Even Worse
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 23, 2020
GOP Not Yet Ready to Roll Out Coronavirus Relief Bill
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Source: Roll Call
Jul 23, 2020
GOP Virus Aid Package: Payroll Tax Cut Out, Restaurant Deduction In
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