Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

December 2015

Source: Washington Post
Dec 18, 2015
House passes spending bill that would avert shutdown
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Source: New York Times
Dec 18, 2015
House Passes $1 Trillion Spending Measure
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Dec 17, 2015
Congress' half-trillion-dollar spending binge
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Source: Bloomberg
Dec 16, 2015
Congrats, Fed. Grab Your Pompoms.
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Source: Bloomberg
Dec 16, 2015
Tax Package With Permanent Extenders House-Floor Bound
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Source: New York Times
Dec 16, 2015
Budget Deal Raises Spending, and the Deficit, Through Tax Breaks
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Source: Washington Post
Dec 16, 2015
Winners, losers in Congress’ year-end budget and tax endgame
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Source: Washington Post
Dec 15, 2015
Congress reaches year-end deal on taxes and spending
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Source: New York Times
Dec 15, 2015
House Reaches Accord on Spending and Tax Cuts
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Dec 15, 2015
Ryan: Budget package a true compromise
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Source: The Atlantic
Dec 15, 2015
Has Congress Already Forgotten About the Deficit?
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Source: The Hill
Dec 14, 2015
Negotiators see $1.1T deal in sight
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Source: Washington Post
Dec 14, 2015
The Federal Reserve will likely raise interest rates this week. This is what happens next.
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Source: New York Times
Dec 14, 2015
Congress Races Toward Holiday Under Pressure to Deliver Spending Bill
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Source: The Hill
Dec 11, 2015
Time for a new US budget process
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Source: Washington Post
Dec 11, 2015
Spending bill bleeds into next week
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Dec 10, 2015
Senate delay tactics could stall budget
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Source: Roll Call
Dec 10, 2015
Negotiators Hope to Unveil Omnibus on Monday
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Source: Brookings
Dec 10, 2015
Former CBO Director Doug Elmendorf is "unleashed" in a new video series
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Source: CBS News
Dec 9, 2015
Congress to vote on short-term funding bill, avert shutdown for now
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Dec 9, 2015
Democrats dig in over GOP policy riders
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Source: Roll Call
Dec 9, 2015
House Republicans Introduce 5-Day CR as Negotiations Continue
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Source: New York Times
Dec 9, 2015
Hillary Clinton Outlines Plan to Overhaul Corporate Taxes
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Source: New York Times
Dec 9, 2015
Congress Braces for Holiday Rush as Spending Discussions Bog Down
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Dec 8, 2015
No budget deal in sight as deadline looms
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