Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

June 2016

Source: Morning Consult
Jun 10, 2016
The Coming Week: House GOP Tests New Amendment Rules
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Source: The Hill
Jun 10, 2016
Reid won't support defense bill
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Source: TaxVox
Jun 9, 2016
Busting Political Myths About Federal Taxes
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Source: The Hill
Jun 9, 2016
Senate rejects defense spending increase
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Source: Washington Post
Jun 9, 2016
Senators stage last-minute budget fight over the defense bill
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Source: The Hill
Jun 8, 2016
McConnell aims to wrap up defense bill
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Source: The Hill
Jun 8, 2016
Senate Dems warn against breaking budget deal
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Jun 8, 2016
Paul Ryan proposes blocking amendments that could kill spending bills
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Source: Defense News
Jun 8, 2016
Democrats Offer Domestic Match for Proposed Defense Hike
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Source: The Hill
Jun 7, 2016
McConnell tees up spending fight
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Source: CRFB
Jun 7, 2016
CBO Estimates Economic Effects of the President's Final Budget
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Source: TaxVox
Jun 7, 2016
Lessons from CBO’s Macroeconomic Analysis of President Obama’s 2017 Budget
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Source: Bloomberg BNA
Jun 6, 2016
What Deficit? Budget Hawks See Issue Shunned By Campaigns
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Source: The Hill
Jun 6, 2016
McConnell warns of Friday work over defense bill
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Source: NPR
Jun 6, 2016
Fed Chair Yellen Says Weak Jobs Report Raises Questions For Economy
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Source: Bloomberg BNA
Jun 6, 2016
Decisions Loom as Republicans Tackle Spending Strategy
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Source: NPR
Jun 4, 2016
How Should You Look At The Jobs Report? Try These Different Angles
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Source: New York Times
Jun 3, 2016
Sharp Fall in U.S. Hiring Saps Chance of Fed Rate Increase in June
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Source: Marketplace
Jun 3, 2016
What's a sustainable level of job growth?
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Source: Five Thirty Eight
Jun 3, 2016
Hiring Really Is Slowing Down
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Source: Defense News
Jun 3, 2016
Sticky Problems Await Congress' Return Next Week
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Source: Bloomberg
Jun 3, 2016
Employers in U.S. Add Fewest Workers in Almost Six Years
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Source: The Hill
Jun 2, 2016
House may resume work on spending bills next week
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Source: Bloomberg Government
Jun 1, 2016
Sweeping defense reforms loom as NDAA moves to Senate
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Source: The Hill
Jun 1, 2016
Poll: Economy top issue in presidential year
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