Fiscal and Economic News from
Around the Nation

January 2018

Source: The Hill
Jan 11, 2018
Lawmakers Say They're Close to Deal on CHIP Funding
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Source: The Hill
Jan 11, 2018
Congress Barrels Toward Another Shutdown Crisis
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Source: Roll Call
Jan 11, 2018
Spending, Immigration Talks Entangled
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Source: Roll Call
Jan 10, 2018
GOP Leaders Weighing Mid-February Stopgap, With Sweeteners
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Source: Roll Call
Jan 10, 2018
Healthcare Overhaul Appears Unlikely Before Midterm Elections
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Source: Reuters
Jan 9, 2018
Bipartisan Group of U.S. Lawmakers and Officials in Talks on Infrastructure Spending
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Source: New York Times
Jan 9, 2018
As Economy Strengthens, Fed Ponders New Approach
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Source: Roll Call
Jan 8, 2018
CBO: Cost of CHIP Renewal Smaller Than Projected
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Source: Bloomberg
Jan 8, 2018
Treasury Asked Congress to Raise Debt Limit by Feb. 28, Sources Say
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Source: The Hill
Jan 8, 2018
House Lawmakers Predict Another Short-term Spending Bill
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Jan 8, 2018
Republicans: Budget Deal Prospects are Dimming
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Source: Bloomberg
Jan 8, 2018
Republicans, Democrats Far Apart on Deal as Shutdown Clock Ticks
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Source: Reuters
Jan 7, 2018
In Possible Boon for White House, Fed Ready to Lay Low as Tax Plan Kicks In
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Source: Reuters
Jan 5, 2018
U.S. Job Growth Cools as Labor Market Nears Full Employment; Wages Up
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Source: The Hill
Jan 4, 2018
Senators Battle over Defense Spending in Budget Talks
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Source: Bloomberg
Jan 4, 2018
Congress to Seek U.S. Debt Limit Measure in February, Source Says
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Jan 3, 2018
Congress and White House Inch Forward in Budget Talks
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Source: The Washington Post
Jan 3, 2018
High-stakes Budget Talks Begin as Deadline Approaches
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Source: The Hill
Jan 3, 2018
US Voters More Concerned about Nation's Ballooning Debt
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Jan 2, 2018
Shutdown threat revived as Congress returns
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Source: New York Times
Jan 2, 2018
Democrats Outline Demands as Threat of Shutdown Looms
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Source: The Hill
Jan 2, 2018
Congress Faces January Logjam
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December 2017

Source: Morning Consult
Dec 26, 2017
ACA Repeal Effort Dominated Health Policy in 2017 but Fight Seen Petering Out in ’18
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Dec 21, 2017
Shutdown Threat Fades as House Moves Toward Funding Vote
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Source: USA Today
Dec 20, 2017
Deficit Could Hit $1 Trillion in 2018, and That's Before the Full Impact of Tax Cuts
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