The statutory tax rate is the percentage imposed by law. The effective tax rate is the percentage of income actually paid.

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Today, the Federal Reserve announced an increase in the target for the federal funds rate, the interest rate at which commercial banks lend to each other overnight.

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The federal government has enacted legislation to provide relief from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Treasury has ramped up borrowing to pay for it.

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Currently, more Americans owe a greater average amount of student debt than at any time in U.S. history.

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Unemployment Insurance can be a critical government tool to ease suffering from economic downturns and hasten a recovery.

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The American Rescue Plan included a one-year expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Both programs have proven to be popular and effective in reducing child poverty.

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Our high and rising debt is “a big burden placed on current citizens, based on our past budgetary irresponsibility,” said Michael Peterson, CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, in a recent appearance on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal.

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Spending on healthcare in the United States has far outpaced other major healthcare systems without yielding better outcomes.

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The rise in healthcare spending was largely driven by the federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The strong rebound in 2021 was partially due to the high economic growth experienced in the fourth quarter.

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