Outside of the recent recession caused by the financial crisis and its aftermath, the U.S. government has never witnessed deficits that exceeded $1 trillion.

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Without income from Social Security, two thirds of the elderly would be considered poor.

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Rising costs of prescription drugs and their effect on Medicare could have serious consequences on our healthcare system and our nation's fiscal well-being.

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Members of the United States House of Representatives and Senate return to Washington to face a number of important policy decisions and deadlines.

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Last year's tax legislation was a key opportunity to simplify the tax code, but the TCJA actually increased the number of tax breaks.

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The general consensus among economists is that the long-term effects of the TCJA will be higher debt and little change to underlying economic growth.

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The latest OMB report marks the first time that the administration has acknowledged that deficits will surpass $1 trillion in the near term.

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Unless addressed soon, the growing national debt will "seriously jeopardize and undermine the American economy," said former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.

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Federal debt is already at its highest level since 1950 and is projected to climb to 152 percent of GDP under current law by 2048 — by far an all-time high.

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While the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will likely boost economic growth in the near term, the effects of the legislation are temporary.

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Expert Views: Fiscal Commission

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