Social Security and Medicare affect nearly every American at some point in their lives.

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"Congress should be taking into account when designing fiscal policy is the need to achieve sustainability of this debt path over time,” Yellen said.

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CBO warns “high and rising debt would have serious negative consequences for the budget and the nation” in its new report.

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As the Trump administration marks the 100 day milestone, a number of pressing fiscal issues remain to be resolved.

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Federal debt is already at its highest level since 1950 and is projected to climb to an all-time high.

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As lawmakers look pursue a range of policy priorities, there are a number of fiscal concerns on the calendar over the coming months.

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Trump outlined some broad strokes of his budget proposal, but lawmakers and voters are anxious to see where the administration stands on a number of issues.

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With a new Congress and president in place, a number of important fiscal and economic policy issues have come to the forefront in January.

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CBO’s new report serves as a reminder that the lawmakers need to take into account our nation’s long-term fiscal challenges as they consider policy changes.

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“The federal government’s fiscal path is unsustainable," warns the Government Accountability Office.

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Expert Views: Fiscal Commission

We asked experts with diverse views from across the political spectrum to share their perspectives.

National Debt Clock

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