Here’s What We Know about Foreign-Born Workers, and How They Compare to the Native-Born Population
A substantial part of the labor force is foreign born, so an understanding of that population’s characteristics is key to understanding the overall economy.
Read MoreThe Federal Government’s Support for Low-Income Housing Expanded During the Pandemic
The federal government spent $67 billion on housing assistance in 2023, representing just over 1 percent of total federal outlays.
Read MoreHow Much Funding Do State and Local Governments Receive from Federal Government?
Over the last four decades, federal grants to state and local governments have made up about 17 percent of their total revenues.
Read MoreWhy the American Healthcare System Underperforms
Healthcare in the United States is very expensive — but we don’t get what we pay for.
Read MoreHow Marginal Tax Rates and Breaks Affect What You Pay
The percentage of income that Americans pay in taxes can vary widely and depend on many factors.
Read MoreAlmost 25% of Healthcare Spending is Considered Wasteful. Here’s Why.
The United States has one of the most expensive health systems in the world, hampering the country’s fiscal and economic well-being.
Read MoreWhy Are Americans Working Longer?
Over the past thirty years, the average age of retirement has increased from 62 to 65 years old.
Read MoreWhat Happens to State Governments When Federal Funds Run Out?
Federal COVID-19 legislation has supported Americans and the economy through the pandemic, but how can states avoid a “fiscal cliff” once federal aid wanes?
Read MoreNew York Has One of the Most Complex and Decentralized Debt Structures among States
Unlike the federal government, most state governments have balanced budget requirements (BBRs) for their operating budgets. New York’s is not among them.
Read MorePeterson Foundation Launches Student Debt Smarter to Empower the Next Generation
Student debt is one of the biggest challenges young people will face as they prepare to enter adulthood, and is often their first encounter with debt.
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