The Fiscal Election: What’s at Stake in This Election?
The lawmakers we choose this November will face critical fiscal and economic decisions in the next two, four, and six years.
Read MoreThe Current Federal Deficit and Debt
Every month the U.S. Treasury releases data on the federal budget, including the current deficit. Here is the latest data for Fiscal Year 2024.
Read MoreNational Debt Could More than Double the Size of the Economy
GAO’s findings add to a chorus of nonpartisan evidence and analysis showing that action is needed to improve our fiscal outlook.
Read MoreThe National Debt is Rising Unsustainably
Here are six key takeaways from CBO’s latest Long-Term Budget Outlook projections.
Read More“Even Under Optimistic Economic Scenarios, Debt Will Soon Reach Levels Well Above Historical Experience,” Economist Warns
Karen Dynan explores the implications of the federal debt burden and the degree of change required to stabilize the national debt.
Read More10 Charts That Show How the United States Failed to Improve Its Fiscal Outlook in 2023
The end of 2023 marks another year that the country has failed to improve its daunting fiscal outlook.
Read MoreAmerica’s Underlying Deficit Doubled in Fiscal Year 2023
In FY23 the federal government officially incurred a budget deficit of $1.7 trillion — about $320 billion higher than last year’s amount.
Read MoreWith U.S. Interest Costs Skyrocketing, Voters Overwhelmingly Call for Fiscal Commission
Voters are deeply concerned about interest costs eating up more and more of the federal budget.
Read MoreWhy History Shows the U.S. Will Not Grow Out of Its Debt
Given current projections for large primary deficits, demographic trends, and Federal Reserve policy focusing on controlling inflation, the United States should not be expected to grow out of its debt.
Read MorePoll: Strong Bipartisan Majority of Voters Call for Fiscal Commission
Voters are calling on their leaders to take concrete actions to put us on a better fiscal path.
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