National Debt a Critical Election Issue for Swing State Voters
More than 9-in-10 voters across seven key states say it’s important for candidates to have a plan for the debt.
Read MoreOur National Debt
America’s fiscal health and economic strength are closely linked. Learn more about the drivers of our national debt and its economic impact.
Read MoreWhat Is R Versus G and Why Does It Matter for the National Debt?
The combination of higher debt levels and elevated interest rates have increased the cost of federal borrowing, prompting economists to consider the sustainability of our fiscal trajectory.
Read MoreThe Federal Government Has Borrowed Trillions. Who Owns All that Debt?
Most federal debt is owed to domestic holders, but foreign ownership is much higher now than it was about 50 years ago.
Read MoreWhy Have Federal Deficits Soared Over the Past Two Decades?
The widening budget deficit is attributable to both a decline in revenues and an increase in spending.
Read MoreThe White House Now Expects $2 Trillion Deficits by the End of the Decade
A set of new budget estimates reveals that even if the President’s budget were implemented in full, debt would still exceed its all-time high by the end of the decade.
Read MoreComprehensive Plans to Address the National Debt
Policy leaders and experts across the political spectrum have proposed a number of comprehensive plans to reduce America’s long-term debt.
Read MoreThe Nation’s Fiscal Outlook Just Got Worse — Here’s Why
The CBO updated its budget and economic projections, which now show that federal deficits are projected to be $2.1 trillion higher over the next decade than the agency projected just a few months ago.
Read MoreCBO’s New Report Shows Worsening Fiscal Outlook
The national debt is expected to exceed its record high in just 3 years.
Read MoreThe Lawmakers We Elect in November Will Face a Series of Important Fiscal Decisions
Here are some of the major fiscal deadlines that the leaders we elect for the next two, four, and six years will face.
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