This Fiscal New Year May Mark a Permanent Return to Trillion-Dollar Deficits
Outside of the recent recession caused by the financial crisis and its aftermath, the U.S. government has never witnessed deficits that exceeded $1 trillion.
Read MoreCBO Warns: Historic Debt Levels Threaten Economy
The dangerous path of federal debt remains a critical issue for our economy, and changes to spending and tax policies are necessary to put the nation on a sustainable path.
Read MoreFour Key Takeaways from the CBO 2018 Long-Term Outlook
Federal debt is already at its highest level since 1950 and is projected to climb to 152 percent of GDP under current law by 2048 — by far an all-time high.
Read MoreCBO Report Outlines Dramatically Worse Fiscal Outlook
CBO projects that, on our current path, the deficit will reach nearly $1 trillion next year and will total $12.4 trillion over the ten-year period from 2019.
Read MoreA Return to Trillion Dollar Deficits
CBO reports that the fiscal outlook is dramatically worse than it was last year, primarily due to the fiscally irresponsible tax legislation and budget deal.
Read MoreThe National Debt Grew by $1 Trillion in Just Six Months
Gross federal debt has grown by $5 trillion in just the last five years — from $16 trillion at the end of fiscal year 2012 to $21 trillion today.
Read MoreTen Charts That Sum Up This Year in Fiscal News
These charts illustrate some of the biggest fiscal policy stories from 2017.
Read MoreThe Macroeconomic Gains from Stabilizing and Reducing Federal Debt
By making gradual changes to federal spending and revenue, lawmakers can not only stabilize our fiscal outlook, but also provide long-run economic benefits.
Read MoreFive Key Takeaways from the CBO Budget and Economic Outlook
CBO warns “high and rising debt would have serious negative consequences for the budget and the nation” in its new report.
Read MoreCBO: Unsustainable Deficits Threaten Future Economic Growth
On our current path, CBO projects that deficits will reach $1.0 trillion by 2022 and total $10.1 trillion over the next ten years.
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