CBO’s Updated Projections Show Deficits Continuing to Climb, Despite Growing Economy
Under current law, the U.S. budget deficit will exceed $1 trillion each year beginning in 2022 and total $11.4 trillion over the upcoming decade.
Read MoreGAO Warns National Debt Could Be Twice the Size of the Economy in Just 30 Years
Debt held by the public would reach record levels relative to the size of the economy within the next two decades, and possibly as soon as 2032.
Read MoreWhy Fiscal Space Matters
Lower levels of debt allow governments to respond more effectively to a recession or financial crisis.
Read MoreCBO Report Highlights Unsustainable Fiscal Outlook
The federal budget is on an unsustainabl fiscal trajectory, according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
Read MoreFive Charts That Summarize CBO’s Budget and Economic Outlook
Despite a growing economy and low unemployment, federal budget deficits are projected to grow over the next 10 years.
Read MoreThe Risks of Running up Deficits When the Economy Is Good
The federal deficit is growing during a period of economic expansion — a pattern that is highly unusual.
Read More121 Ways We Can Reduce the Deficit, According to CBO
It’s important for lawmakers to consider the many available policy options for improving that outlook.
Read More9 Charts That Show How Our Fiscal Outlook Has Gone from Bad to Worse
Significant damage was done to America’s fiscal outlook over the past year.
Read MoreIMF Raises Concerns for Fiscal Stability in the United States
The International Monetary Fund warns that U.S. debt levels pose a risk for future economic growth and fiscal stability.
Read MoreWhat They’re Saying: Deficit Hits Six-Year High Despite Strong Economy
Trillion-dollar annual deficits not seen since the Great Recession are expected to return as soon as next year.
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