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    Programs & Projects

    Poll: Voters Want Bipartisan Action on Fiscal Issues

    Even party extremes want bipartisan progress: 93% of Liberal Democrats and 85% of Tea Party supporters strongly agree that both parties should work together to solve our long-term fiscal and economic problems.

    67% of registered voters strongly agree that "I am willing to do my part to reduce the national debt, as long as other people also do their part."

    Press Releases & Statements

    Howard University and WISER Awarded $1.9 Million Grant from the Peterson Foundation to Support Increased Diversity in the Field of Economics

    A new five-year, $1.9 million grant will support the Howard University Department of Economics and the Women’s Institute on Science, Race and Equity (WISER) in their innovative work to increase diversity in the field of economics and promote greater inclusion in fiscal and economic policymaking.

    Programs & Projects

    Neighborhood Disadvantage and Children’s Cognitive Skill Trajectories

    This study examines how neighborhood disadvantage is associated with children’s trajectories of growth in math and reading skills in early elementary school. It seeks to understand better how the communities in which children attend school affect their academic success in early grades, and how these associations vary by students’ characteristics.

    Programs & Projects

    New poll: Voters are prepared to make compromises and sacrifices...

    A newly released poll by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation shows that voters overwhelmingly support bipartisan action to reduce our national debt, and are willing to make personal sacrifices to help achieve that goal. These responses paint a stark contrast with the political gridlock and polarizing rhetoric that we have seen in Washington recently — and are likely to see during the 2012 election cycle.

Solutions Initiative 2024

Seven think tanks from across the ideological spectrum all agree that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path, and we need to change course.

National Debt Clock

See the latest numbers and learn more about the causes of our high and rising debt.