Statement on the Appointment of Keith Hall to Director of CBO

NEW YORK — Michael A. Peterson, President and COO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, commented today following the appointment of Dr. Keith Hall to serve as Director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), succeeding Douglas Elmendorf:
“We congratulate Dr. Keith Hall on his appointment to be the next Director of the Congressional Budget Office. Dr. Hall has a very impressive background, and we wish him well in this important role. CBO serves as a critical resource to Congress and the American people, providing an essential, independent voice in the budgetary process that helps improve understanding of our fiscal challenges. In an increasingly difficult political environment — and with many unanswered questions about America’s long-term fiscal and economic future — CBO’s role is more important than ever.”
Further Reading
National Debt Puts Upward Pressure on Inflation and Interest Rates
America’s unsustainable fiscal outlook can have “significant consequences for price stability, interest rates, and overall economic performance,” according to a new report.
Here’s What a Budget Gimmick Is and How to Spot One
Lawmakers should avoid the use of budget gimmicks, which can hide the true fiscal impact of legislation.
What Is the Farm Bill, and Why Does It Matter for the Federal Budget?
The Farm Bill provides an opportunity for policymakers to comprehensively address agricultural, food, conservation, and other issues.