Statement from Michael A. Peterson on the Cooper-LaTourette Amendment
“Representatives Cooper and LaTourette have displayed courage and leadership by putting party ideology aside and working together to foster a bipartisan approach to our long-term fiscal challenges.
“In an era of divided government, the only viable fiscal plan is a bipartisan fiscal plan. The House Republican Budget and the Administration Budget reflect the priorities of their own parties, but to address this critical national imperative successfully, both parties will need to make concessions from their preferred positions.
“The Cooper-LaTourette amendment illustrates the types of choices that must be considered if we are going to get our fiscal house in order. Though this first vote was unsuccessful, Representatives Cooper and LaTourette and their supporters have demonstrated a constructive model of the type of bipartisan legislative framework that is necessary to solve our nation’s fiscal challenges.”
Further Reading
National Debt Puts Upward Pressure on Inflation and Interest Rates
America’s unsustainable fiscal outlook can have “significant consequences for price stability, interest rates, and overall economic performance,” according to a new report.
Here’s What a Budget Gimmick Is and How to Spot One
Lawmakers should avoid the use of budget gimmicks, which can hide the true fiscal impact of legislation.
What Is the Farm Bill, and Why Does It Matter for the Federal Budget?
The Farm Bill provides an opportunity for policymakers to comprehensively address agricultural, food, conservation, and other issues.