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Our charts frame the fiscal outlook of the U.S. government within a broad economic, political, and demographic context.
Our polling tracks the public’s views about our fiscal and economic condition and the progress elected leaders are making in addressing it.
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Poll: Voters Don’t Want New Legislation or Tax Cuts that Increase the National Debt
This year, President Trump and the new Congress face a series of high stakes fiscal policy decisions.
Any Way You Look at It, Interest Costs on the National Debt Will Soon Be at an All-Time High
The most recent CBO projections confirm once again that America’s fiscal outlook is on an unsustainable path — increasingly driven by higher interest costs.
Debt Ceiling Update: What’s at Stake
If lawmakers do not agree on raising or suspending the debt limit before the extraordinary measures are exhausted, there would be severe consequences.
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Debt Ceiling Update: What’s at Stake
If lawmakers do not agree on raising or suspending the debt limit before the extraordinary measures are exhausted, there would be severe consequences.
Quiz: How Much Do You Know About the Federal Budget?
A strong fiscal outlook is an essential foundation for a growing, thriving economy. Take our quiz to see how much you really know about the federal budget.
How Much Can DOGE Really Save by Cutting Down on Improper Payments?
Cutting down on improper payments could increase program efficiency, bolster Americans’ confidence in their government, and safeguard taxpayer dollars.
Continuing Resolutions Are Stopgap Measures — But Now We Average Five a Year
While continuing resolutions can help avoid government shutdowns, they should be rarely used. However, CRs have become the norm.
What Is a Continuing Resolution?
A continuing resolution is a temporary funding measure that Congress can use to fund the federal government for a limited amount of time.
The Debt Ceiling Will Be Reinstated on January 1 — Here’s What’s at Stake
One of the first, and most consequential, decisions facing newly elected lawmakers will be what to do with the debt ceiling.
What Is the Disaster Relief Fund?
Climate and weather-related natural disasters are becoming increasingly frequent, endangering lives and extracting a significant fiscal and economic cost.