Individual taxes are the largest source of revenues for the federal government, representing more than half of all revenues collected. They include taxes levied on wages and salaries, income from investments, and other income.
The individual tax code is progressive, meaning that those with higher incomes pay a greater share of their earnings in taxes. At the same time, high earners benefit disproportionately more from tax expenditures, also known as “tax breaks,” than lower earners.
Many economists agree that simplifying the tax code could have fiscal and economic benefits. Tax reform done right would promote economic growth, make our fiscal outlook more sustainable, reduce the complexity and burden of compliance, and increase the system’s transparency and fairness by treating individuals and businesses in similar circumstances more equally.
Below is a selection of key charts on individual income taxes in the United States and how they fit within the federal budget.
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Further Reading
What Is the Carried Interest Loophole, and Why Is It So Difficult to Close?
The treatment of carried interest continues to be one of the most controversial elements of the U.S. tax code.
How Does the Capital Gains Tax Work Now, and What Are Some Proposed Reforms?
While the capital gains tax affects anyone selling a capital asset, higher-income individuals are typically subject to the tax more so than average Americans.
These Tax Expenditures Cost Billions More Than Anticipated — Here’s Why
The growing price tags demonstrate that the ultimate cost of a new tax break can be difficult to anticipate.