Statement from Foundation Chairman Pete Peterson on New Simpson-Bowles Deficit-Reduction Framework
“Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles have again shown tremendous leadership in focusing the public’s attention on our nation’s serious long-term fiscal challenges and keeping all options on the table as they seek bipartisan solutions. Simpson and Bowles make clear that improving economic growth and addressing our long-term fiscal challenges is not an either-or proposition. We can and must do both. Simpson and Bowles are offering Washington a way beyond its current impasse with a new, comprehensive framework to strengthen the economy, reform the tax code, and fix the major drivers of long-term debt. Their ideas deserve serious consideration in Congress and at the White House.”
Further Reading
The Debt Ceiling Will Be Reinstated on January 1 — Here’s What’s at Stake
One of the first, and most consequential, decisions facing newly elected lawmakers will be what to do with the debt ceiling.
How Does Student Debt Affect the Economy?
As overall student debt has grown over the past decade, it is apparent that such borrowing can place a financial burden on households.
How Does the Federal Government Subsidize Healthcare Under the ACA — and What Does It Cost?
In 2025, the expansions of the premium tax credit under the Affordable Care Act will expire, and lawmakers will have to decide whether to extend them.